James Comey is right about leaks


HThe chairman of the supervisory committee, Trey Gowdy, said Sunday that he was in agreement with former FBI director James Comey about the leaks.

Comey says he will "resist" a subpoena for a closed-door testimony with a congressional working group, lest the Republicans selectively disclose his testimony to the public.

In an interview on CBS's "Face the Nation," Gowdy, R-S.C., Stated that he sympathized with Comey, but did not believe that a public hearing would be the right answer.

"I do not often have the opportunity to say it, but I think Jim Comey is right," Gowdy said.

"Leaks are counterproductive, whether it's Jim Comey, the FBI, or Congress." The cure for leaks is to not hold a public hearing during which you're supposed to ask 17 months of work in five minutes, "he added, referring to five-minute increments, each legislator should probably ask questions.

Instead, Gowdy recommended recording video testimony so that the audience could see all the questions and answers without the spectacle that a live public event would bring.

The House Judiciary Committee Chair, Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., Summoned appearances last week to Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch before the Judiciary Committee and the Oversight Committee. Chamber for private depositions as part of the 2016 joint investigation

In a Thanksgiving tweet, Comey said that he would only accept public testimonials.

"Happy Thanksgiving," tweeted Comey on Thursday. "I got a subpoena from Republicans in the House, I'm always happy to sit in the light and answer all the questions, but I will resist the" closed door "because I am Have seen enough of their leaks and selective distortions, let's have an audience and invite everyone to see. "

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