New "Doctor Who" novel has just been published Written by Alum Tom Baker


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Of the 13 people who played the Lord of Time known as "The Doctor" on Doctor Who In the last 55 years, Tom Baker – the fourth – remains one of the most popular, if not the best, dogs. With his curly mop, wide-eyed eyes and eccentric looks, the English actor played the role of English science fiction brain from 1974 to 1981, wedged between Jon Pertwee and Peter Davison. The role has remained with Baker over the years; he even appeared in the episode of the 50th anniversary in 2013, although conservative, not doctor. And now, as by EWhe's even co-wrote a Doctor Who novel, scheduled for the beginning of next year.

Entitled Scratchman, which Baker wrote with author James Goss, is essentially the romanization of a film that has never been shot. During his reign, Baker and actor Ian Marter worked on the screenplay of a big-budget film, in which the Doctor would attempt to save a city of deadly scarecrows. There would have been robots known as Cybors, the Greek god, and the titular boogeyman – a wicked evil god. The pinnacle of action, with an appearance of the dreaded and scary Daleks, would take place on a giant pinball table.

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