Theresa May launches national campaign to win crucial Brexit vote


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Theresa May will begin Monday to sell her Brexit deal to skeptical politicians and the British public with a warning: "There is no better offer available".

– Bloomberg Brexit (@Brexit) November 25, 2018

The British Prime Minister will call on members of Parliament to vote for the contract that she finalized this weekend with the European Union and to avoid the tumult of splitting the bloc without a plan. She is also engaged in a national campaign to sell her business directly to voters.

– Bloomberg Brexit (@Brexit) November 25, 2018

May has decided to convince the House of Commons – against all odds – to approve its agreement on Brexit in a vote scheduled for December. She refused to exclude the resignation of the post of prime minister if she failed.

In a statement to parliament on Monday, May will warn that this rejection would bring Britain back to square one in just four months, until the country leaves the EU.

"This would open the door to more division and more uncertainty, with all the risks that would entail," said the premier, according to excerpts from her speech published in advance by her office. "The British people want us to reach an agreement that respects the referendum and allows us to meet again as a country, regardless of how we voted. This is this case. "

& # 39; difficult & # 39;

Brexit de May's new secretary, Stephen Barclay, acknowledged that it would be difficult to get the deal through a vote in Parliament.

"I do not pretend for a minute that this is not a difficult task given the current state of the numbers," Barclay told Sky News on Monday. "We need to make it clear to our parliamentary colleagues what the alternative will be: what will be massive uncertainty about no deal or no Brexit." It's not in the interests of their constituents, it's not in the interest to protect jobs. "

After accepting the terms of the divorce at a special summit in Brussels, European leaders warned British politicians that they would not have a better deal because there was no "plan B".

Speaking at the end of the summit, May endorsed this view and announced that she would personally lead a "few weeks" national campaign to gain support for her agreement among politicians and voters. Then Parliament will hold a deciding vote on the acceptance or rejection of the agreement before Christmas.

May's team has not decided on the date of the vote, but is targeting mid-December. According to some information, it could be organized between 10 and 12 December.

May promised to campaign "with all my heart" to persuade Parliament and the public to support his market. When asked if she would resign if Parliament refused to support her plan, May twice refused to give a direct answer on Sunday. She insisted that her goal is to win the vote and that her future is not the issue that matters.

May knows she faces huge opposition from critics of her own conservative party. Even government ministers admit that they have work to do to avoid defeat.

May agreement on Brexit: you do not have the right to vote – And after?

If it loses, the UK will be able to leave the EU in March without an agreement or transition period to cushion the shock. Some politicians want to send her back to Brussels to renegotiate her if her first attempt is rejected. EU leaders, however, sent Sunday a coordinated message: it is the only agreement proposed.

"There was something better, I can tell you that Theresa May would have had it," said Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte to the press. "She fought very hard, she was very stubborn and she is always, in a positive sense, very tenacious."

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said those hoping for new talks would be disappointed in the "second" if Parliament rejected the agreement, while Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz added: "It's a situation to take or leave."

The Eurosceptics of the Conservative Party of May hate the withdrawal agreement and pledge to oppose it because it forces the UK to remain close to the EU's trade rules. In Britain, many pro-European politicians also consider it unacceptable, because the UK will not have a say in the rules to be followed.

EU leaders, including Chancellor Angela Merkel, have expressed sadness at the divorce, mourning the loss of a member state as the club of 28 nations shrinks to 27. It has been asked if she shared those feelings. "No," responded the prime minister. She added that she understood that some leaders were sad and that some people from his home in Britain were also there.

– With the help of Nikos Chrysoloras, Anna Hirtenstein, Gregory Viscusi, Ian Wishart and Alex Morales.

To contact the reporters on this story: Tim Ross in Brussels at [email protected], Lyubov Pronina in Brussels at [email protected], Arne Delfs in Berlin at [email protected]

To contact the editors in charge of this story: James Ludden at [email protected], Flavia Krause-Jackson at [email protected], Emma Ross-Thomas

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