The timelapse of the ISS shows the launch of the Progress MS-10 Replenishment mission


Some of the best photographs and videos available from the Earth come from some lucky astronauts on board the ISS. As the space station revolves around the Earth, crew members get a literal view of the entire planet with clouds during the day and bright lights of the city at night. The crew members also had an extraordinary view of the launch of the Russian Replenishment mission last week.

Riccardo Rossi created the time-lapse aboard the ISS, which shows the launch of Progress MS-10, as in orbit. You can clearly see the rocket spinning on the surface of the planet when it reaches the space and throws a step on the main stage of the rocket. You can also see the main stage of the rocket when it falls back into the atmosphere and consumes itself during the comeback.

MS-10 remains in the glory of the video as it reaches the orbit and continues the ISS to make its docking appointment with plenty of supplies for people living on the island. # 39; ISS. From launch to final mooring, MS-10 needed two days to complete its mooring mission.

On board the supply vessel were 2.5 tons of cargo, 725 kg of fuel, 420 kg of fresh water and plenty of food, clothing, spare parts and scientific equipment. The ISS has been in orbit for two decades.

As you watch the time-lapse above, be sure to watch the Earth scroll under the ISS. In the video commentary, bright red flashing lights visible from the orbit near the end of the video were shown at 1:13. The consensus is that they are red flashing lights on the windmills.

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