Scientists validate the theory of relativity at the galactic level


The study used the Hubble Space Telescope and the Very Large Telescope to assess the mass of the foreground galaxy using both the gravitational lens for its background counterpart as well as the speed of the stars around its edges. . The result was an error margin of 9 percent – that sounds a lot, but it's both the most accurate measure of relativity to date and demonstrates that science is valid.

There is no drama, but it is new in itself. Although the test does not conclusively prove that general relativity is the guiding principle of the universe, it avoids scientists and businesses from having to lay decades of knowledge. They might not want to rest too easily, though. American scientist noted that one of the researchers, Tom Collett, is planning a follow-up that would verify relativity by similar methods. If the theory is turned off, there is a chance that it reveals the discrepancies.

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