See astronauts escape the Earth in a thrilling launch video


Leaving the planet is not an easy and breezy ride. The European Space Agency has released a complete orbit-takeoff video giving a rare insight into the interior of a Soyuz spacecraft as three astronauts made the trip to the International Space Station.

The images come from the launch of Soyuz MS-09 on 6 June and include NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor, cosmonaut Sergei Prokopyev and ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst. Travelers wear space suits and are packed like sardines. Their bodies are subject to forces up to four times the gravity of the Earth.

The video lasts approximately 10 minutes and has annotations and comments to help you follow each step of the flight. The reactions of astronauts are revealing. Both Auñón-Chancellor and Gerst celebrate as excited children at takeoff. Prokopyev gives a thumbs up.

Prokopyev brandishes a telescopic handle to actuate the buttons because they are too far away and he can not lean forward of his seat.

You will also notice a couple of small stuffed animals swaying above the spacefarers. One is the mascot for the 2018 FIFA World Cup ™ takes place in Russia. The other is Die Maus, the star of a German children's television show. The mouse is dressed like a tiny astronaut. When the toys start to float, the crew knows that they have reached the microgravity environment of the space.

The video includes some first-time footage recorded outside the spacecraft by cameras attached to the outside. It gives an atmospheric look back on the clouds of the Earth.

As scary as it may sound on the planet in a car-sized bobbin, astronauts have a lot of smiles. But the best reaction is recorded for the end. Be sure to keep an eye on the crew during the shutdown of the third-floor engine that signals arrival in orbit.

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