Occupy ICE PDX closes Portland facilities as events extend to other cities


It began as a candlelight vigil for immigrant children who had been separated from their parents during their stay in the United States. A few dozen protesters gathered in front of the immigration and customs police facility southwest of Portland on June 17.

After the candles were destroyed, some protesters decided to stay in protest more effectively with simple reasoning: the ICE can only expel people if judges, lawyers and immigration litigants can not physically enter his facilities.

A week later, the number of people outside the institution swelled, blocking the government building 24 hours a day with their bodies, hastily scribbling billboards. and a tandem bike. On Monday morning, a spokesman for the Federal Protective Services told the Washington Post that the only people inside the facility were government officials who ensured that the doors were locked. .

Occupy Ice PDX was born. Driven by their success, the organizers spread the message to like – minded people in other immigration centers.

"We invite the rest of the country to join this movement, to assemble and occupy your local CIE facility until it is closed," said a message. "Bring candles, signs, noisemakers and tents – more importantly, bring yourself in. Even if you can not go down for one hour for an hour, your presence is important and necessary. Let's all work together to stop this machine of terror. "

Protesters in other cities rallied to duplicate the protest method.

In Detroit on Monday, an ICE spokesman said the normal operations were "briefly disrupted" by the protests, though essential functions eventually resumed. Photos showed protesters with placards, tents and folding chairs, sitting in the parking lot of the establishment.

The organizers in Los Angeles have encouraged people to come to the ICE facility on Alameda Street – and stay.

"Spend the night, go nowhere, see each other in the streets," said an organizer's tweet.

In New York, the Varick Ice Treatment Center canceled all hearings on Monday. Protesters blocked the loading dock used by ICE to transport immigrants inside and outside the building, according to the hill.

Sam Natale, 29, a protester and a lawyer who lives in Manhattan, told the New York Daily News: "Part of the reason we are here is to point out that the end of the separation of children is not the only reason we are here. is not the end of the problem. "

"We can claim a victory, if only for one day," said Twitter #OccupytICENYC in a statement. "201 Varick Street will not send anyone to abusive and inhumane detention centers tomorrow. . . We came, we stayed, we occupied, and for this brief moment, we won. "

In Portland, protesters were cut off at the start of their second week of protests. They had removed the American flag from the front of the building. In their place, they had erected a brown and yellow flag saying, "Welcome to the refugees".

A planned rally in the center had grown so much that it had to be moved to City Hall.

Posted by OccupyICEPDX on Saturday, June 23, 2018

Protesters held placards that said "Kick out ICE" and "will exchange racists against refugees," according to Oregon Public Broadcasting.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), a fierce opponent of immigration, likened occupation to the Harpers Ferry attack, an unsuccessful but significant attack prior to the advent of the Civil War over an American military arsenal that aggravated tensions between North and South.

The protests come as the Trump administration faces spillovers from its policy of immigration detention at the border and separation of children from their parents.

As reported by Washington Post's Devlin Barrett, Devlin Barrett, Josh Dawsey and Nick Miroff, more than 2,500 migrant children have been abducted from their parents since the practice came into effect last month.

However, we do not know how long the blockades will remain.

On Monday, around 10:30 am, officers of the Federal Protection Service, which provides security for US government buildings, went from tent to tent by distributing notices to protesters to evacuate federal property.

"While protesters have the legitimate right to assemble and express their concerns, federal law prohibits the blockage of driveways or entrances to the building," said Billy J. Williams, US District Attorney. ;Oregon.

The pamphlets, which were also posted on the building, warned that "people who continue to obstruct the entry of this federal facility will be liable to arrest and prosecution in federal court".

Read more:

The airlines are asking the federal authorities to stop using their flights to transport migrant children separated from their parents

A California waiter refused to serve 4 Latina customers until he saw a "proof of residence"

Jeff Sessions defended the separation of the family with the Bible. John Oliver replied with Dr. Seuss.

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