Tim Cook, from Apple, looks at social issues


Apple General Manager Tim Cook Ruminated on privacy, immigration and technology dependence one day when a growing trade war with China has shaken the technology values.

Cook did not touch China during a 30-minute interview Monday night in San Francisco at a Fortune conference on companies doing social good.

But he pointed to Apple's core values ​​that he has increasingly articulated, on education, privacy, human rights, immigration and immigration. ;environment.

"Apple has always had to change the world," he said. "You do not do this by remaining silent, there is no formula for when you speak or do not do it."

Last week he called the separation of children from their parents in the context of an "inhumane" US immigration policy, and pointed to Apple's employment of more than 300 DACA people. "I decided to say something," he said. "I could have taken the typical CEO's pivot, but I have not done it, maybe I'm not good at it."

Cook also chose privacy, and his company's decision to develop an iOS feature that helps consumers monitor their digital consumption by setting limits on screen time. He described it as simple, but profound, which corresponds to Apple's long-standing position in technology and privacy. When asked on Facebook (FB) and AlphabetGoogle (GOOGL), which he criticized for the approach to consumer data, has denied Cook, highlighting Apple's philosophy.

"Our vision of privacy is born of our values, before we make our products," he said. "We were convinced of privacy when nobody cared."

The appearance of Cook coincided with news that the Trump administration is poised to double its trade war with China by limiting Chinese companies' investments in US technology companies and by blocking exports of additional technologies to Beijing.

This could put Apple (AAPL) in a perilous position since a significant portion of its annual business figure – nearly 20%, or $ 44.7 billion – comes from China. This led Cook, who speaks a little Mandarin and often travels to China, to appeal to the White House in April and present his case to President Trump to avoid a total trade war. While Cook would have received assurances from Trump that iPhones built in China would not be affected by tariffs, Apple could run a serious risk if China limited its suppliers.

The Apple stock fell 1.5% to $ 182.17 in a difficult day for the market on Monday.

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