12 characters hurt by Disney changes (and 8 who were saved)


It's fair to say that Disney's stewardship of the Star wars the franchise – thanks to the acquisition of Lucasfilm by the House of Mouse in 2012 – sparked considerable controversy. One of the most controversial decisions taken by the Disney / Lucasfilm powers at the beginning of the proceedings was to disavow the vast majority of the cannon of the enlarged Universe.

Certainly, it makes a lot of sense. You do not want filmmakers to work on new Star wars adventures chained by decades of continuity of novels, comics, video games and TV shows. On the contrary: you want them to be able to push the future (and the past) of the saga in any new creative direction they imagine. If that means hitting the reset button on the EU? So be it.

At the same time, it's hard not to sympathize with dismayed fans to see their favorite material from the EU renamed "Legends". Many hardcore fans are upset by the new direction in which their favorite heroes and villains were caught during the Star wars following trilogy.

Yet just like the Force – this mystical energy field that binds the Star wars universe together – much of the reaction to Disney and Lucasfilm is suffering from a lack of balance. Indeed, there are more than a few characters who, rather than being harmed by gun changes, have actually been improved by them.

To this end, here 12 Star Wars characters wounded by Disney changes (and 7 who were saved).

20 Hurt – Princess Leia

As shown in the force awakens and The last JediLeia has never correctly developed his mystical Force powers. Moreover, after her son Kylo Ren fell on the dark side and her husband Han Solo separated, she returned to the front line, giving up her royal title for the role of general.

Now, there is nothing wrong with all of this, in and of itself. It's just less impressive than what Leia accomplishes in the EU.

In Legends, she attains the rank of Jedi Knight in her own right and is also an important figure in the political arena of the New Republic.

Better yet, Leia and Han are raising their families together – although one of their children has also turned the heck.

19 Registered – Emperor Palpatine

Emperor Palpatine – otherwise known by his Sith alter ego, Dark Sidious – can be a real stink, but he is also a genius. Siding as much on his intelligence as on his dark side powers, Palpatine achieved the Sith's goal of conquering the galaxy, carefully plotting his ascension to power throughout the world. Star wars prequel trilogy.

True, the Empire was finally defeated and Palpatine was overthrown by his former right hand man, Darth Vader. Yet, the guy was numero uno galactic for several decades, which is an objectively impressive legacy.

That's why we're happy that Disney hit the Dark Empire stories – where a Palpatine reborn almost restores imperial domination to the galaxy – from the official canon series. As all his plans failed, Palpatine was starting to look like more of a "three-time loser" than a really powerful threat!

18 Injured – Luke Skywalker

The main protagonist of the original Star wars trilogy, the fate of Luke Skywalker in pursuit of the saga of Disney contrasts sharply with the way things have already unfolded.

In the expanded universe, our guy becomes a famous Jedi Master who successfully trains a new generation of Jedi Knights. He also settles with the love of interest Mara Jade, with whom he has a son, Ben. Of course, it is seldom easy to navigate for Luke – but he is heroically meeting the challenges he faces.

Everything came out the window Strength Wake up and The last Jedi. Here, Luke is a bitter recluse after his own nephew succumbs to the dark side.

This much more flawed interpretation of the character is probably more interesting than the EU's right arrow, but for some fans, Luke was irreparably damaged when Disney took over.

17 Registered – Chewbacca

BFF Chewbacca of Han Solo is one of two characters on this list who literally qualifies as being "saved" by Disney. Why?

From The Last Jedi, the awesome Wookiee is still alive, but in the Expanded Universe, Chewie bit the dust years ago!

Certainly, Chewbacca came out in a surge of glory – saving Han's youngest child at the cost of his own life. There's no way around the fact that in Disney's canon, Chewie is able to continue new adventures, while in Legends he was not.

That said, Chewie has been increasingly relegated to the periphery in the Star wars following trilogy. Even put away, it's always a pleasure to see this legendary sidekick on the big screen – something that loyalty to the EU would never have allowed.

16 Hurt – Han Solo

Since he took the reins of Star wars franchise, Disney was not shy about beloved characters – even Luke Skywalker left in The last Jedi. The first major outlet – and perhaps the one that hit hardest – was Han Solo, when he was pushed back by his own kid the force awakens.

Before ending up with Kylo Ren's lightsaber, this old space pirate was separated from Princess Leia and had returned to his old smuggling tracks.

It's not exactly how the fans thought things would unfold after Return of the Jedi – and compared to Han's future in the canon "Legends", it's downright depressing. There, he is a respected member of the New Republic, and a devoted husband and father. Of course, one of his children is still breaking, but at least Han has not been beaten by him!

15 Registered – Yoda

Since The empire counter-attack, diminutive Jedi Master Yoda has established himself as one of the wisest figures in the Star wars universe. The wise little green man's advice to Luke Skywalker helped turn the old farmboy into a mighty Jedi Knight.

At the same time, once the creator of the George Lucas series went back in time with the prequel trilogy, Yoda's reputation took some success, as the legendary Jedi Master's decision-making proved to be quite suspect. To be honest, Yoda – with the rest of the Jedi Council – has been so completely foiled by Dark Sidious, it's downright embarrassing.

Fortunately, Disney brought Yoda back The last Jediwhere his ghostly form reminds Luke of the wisdom that lies in failure – and we realize how fully the Jedi Master has learned from his.

14 Hurt – Jar Jar Binks

It's hard to imagine anyone as insulted as Jar Jar Binks could sink further down, but the changes to the Disney character prove that it was actually possible. A painfully unsuccessful attempt to introduce a burlesque acolyte to the franchise, this awkward Gungan was hated by fans and critics from the moment he started raising his head in The Phantom Menace.

The subsequent apparitions of Jar Jar were mercifully brief – although the role he played in Attack of clones would have serious consequences. Here, Jar Jar involuntarily sets in motion the Senate vote that indirectly leads to the rise of the Empire.

How could things get worse for Jar Jar? Well, the Disney canon reveals that Binks was blatantly blamed for his actions by the people of his native Naboo world, living his days like a penniless busker!

13 Recorded – Darth Vader

We know what you are thinking: Darth Vader surely does not need to be saved! Certainly, Vader as represented in the original Star wars the trilogy needs little rehabilitation.

The performance by Hayden Christensen of Vader in Revenge of the Sith has been poorly received by fans.

The general consensus is that Christensen's wooden performance has made Vader appear as a petulant-looking child rather than as the terrifying (but tragic) figure that he had to be.

It would have been a shame if it had been the last big-screen appearance of Vader – so thank God, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The role of Vader here is relatively minor, but moments such as when he cuts a corridor full of rebel soldiers do a lot to restore his reputation as one of the biggest villains of the cinema.

12 Hurt – C-3PO

With the friend and comic sheet R2-D2, the protocol droid C-3PO is one of the most recognizable support players in the original Star wars trilogy. It may have a reduced presence in prequel, but thanks to the expanded Universe, Threepio is a pillar of the past, present and future of the saga.

Not once Star wars became the property of Disney, and the stories of the EU were widely rejected as non-canon. Now, not only have most of the off-screen adventures of Threepio been erased from the disc, but it hardly appears in the plot of one or the other the force awakens or The last Jedi.

It also does not help that others, cooler protocol droids – like Solo: a story of Star WarsThe impertinent L3-37 – has since debuted, further undermining poor Threepio's stature in the franchise.

11 Recorded – Darth Maul

Full disclosure: The Expanded Universe had already officially resurrected Darth Maul – who was apparently permanently sent by Obi-Wan Kenobi in The ghost threat – Well before Disney is involved. This happened in the Csolitary wars A TV show, that House of the Mouse did not judiciously reject cannon when almost everything else was dropped.

Even so, Maul's survival was something that only fans familiar with Clone Wars and follow-up series rebels were aware of it, and the more casual viewers always thought it had long since disappeared.

By making Maul make a surprise appearance in Solo: a Star Wars story, Disney made his comeback a little more official.

He paved the way for other appearances on the big screen by the Sith Lord.

ten Hurt – R2-D2

In many ways, R2-D2 is the unsung hero of the original and the prequel Star wars trilogies – always at hand to free our protagonists from any scratches they may be in. This behavior extends to the continuity of the Enlarged Universe, where Artoo continues to loyally serve Luke Skywalker and his allies for decades after Return of the Jedi.

Everything changed when Disney gave up most of the adventures of the EU, and Artoo was seen excluded from the spotlight during trilogy events away. In fact, in the force awakens and The last JediArtoo not only has some valuable screen moments, but the role of "plucker sidekick" has been usurped by newcomer BB-8!

9 Saved – Lando Calrissian

Surely, it is disappointing that an old version of Billy Dee William's Lando Calrissian has not yet appeared in Disney Star wars following trilogy. It is particularly annoying to see how much Lando appears in the non-legendary stories "Legends" that unfold during this period.

Everyone seems to agree that Donald Glover's interpretation of a younger version of Solo's character: A Star Wars Story is pretty much the best thing there is.

Lando's feats rank among his best – making the prospect of a sequel to Solo featuring Glover very enticing.

Indeed, we would go so far as to say that all that Disney must do to "save" Lando completely is to bring Williams back to the next Episode IX!

8 Injured – Boba Fett

What's funny about Boba Fett is that – unlike his incredible popularity within the fanbase – he does not do much in the world. Star wars movies. Indeed, on the big screen, his greatest achievements are to follow the Millennium Falcon to Cloud City (good!) And to be jostled in the carnivore Sarlacc by a Han Solo (not so good).

When you get there, Fett's greatest moments and greatest successes unfold in the stories of the Universe Expanded – almost all of them have been labeled "Legends" by Disney.

Stripped of these achievements, the most dreaded bounty hunter in the saga is reduced to a guy with a cool outfit, an impressive profession, and not much else, really.

7 Registered – My Mothma

Some Star wars The characters never seem to have as much cachet in the movies as they deserve – and My Mothma is a perfect example.

Despite being one of the most influential founding members of the Rebel Alliance, Mothma's role in the original trilogy is little more than a cameo, which lasts less than 5 minutes.

Worse still, scenes filmed for The revenge of the Sith – where actress Geneviève O'Reilly represented Mothma, and who portrayed her central role in forming the rebellion – were cut off. The auburn haired diplomat always appears in the film, but again, very briefly and she does not say a word.

Disney has decided to at least slightly redress the injustice displayed towards the underrated female heroes of the saga in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

In this spin-off, Reilly resumes her role – and My Mothma has more to say (if not do) on the big screen than ever before.

6 Injured – Mara Jade

Regularly cited as the most popular Star wars Extensive personality of the universe, Mara Jade was a big problem in a galaxy far, far away – until Disney buys Lucasfilm, that is to say. At the moment the House of the mouse has cleared the slate of all the adventuresReturn of the JediMara was immediately erased from the official canon.

Finished her marriage with Luke Skywalker, with their child together, Ben – and his colorful career first as a personal assassin of the Emperor, then as a smuggler, and finally a Jedi is also gone in smoke.

It is true that Mara came second in duel with her own nephew in the European Union. So you can argue that anyway, she gets a tough market. When it comes to choosing between meeting a sticky end or never existing at all? We know what we would choose!

5 Saved – Grand Admiral Thrawn

Another very popular character from the wider universe, the great Admiral Thrawn, seemed destined to a fate similar to that of Mara Jade – who fits, as they both debuted in the same time. Timothy Zahn's artwork Thrawn trilogy of novels.

Unlike poor Mara, it turns out that Disney was able to find a use for this cool, calculating, blue-skinned tactical master despite being wiped Thrawn trilogy of the cannon. Thanks to his appearances in the rebels TV series – where the final spell of Thrawn is left unresolved – Thrawn was most likely spared from his original and premature death!

This does not just mean good news for Thrawn, but also for fans, as it leaves the door open for this irresistible figure to appear in future stories – something that would have been impossible before.

4 Mal – Quinlan Vos

Fun fact: Quinlan Vos started as an anonymous background character in The ghost threat. Taken with the distinctive visual style of Vos, John Ostrander and Jan Duursema, authors and comic writers, have named him Jedi.

Vos's dramatic reinvention in the Expanded Universe impressed the creator of the George Lucas series, which included a brief mention of Master Kiffar Jedi in Sith Revenge.

There were even plans to present Vos in the assembly of the Jedi betrayed by their clone troops during the 66th Order, but that never materialized.

It's clear that Vos is a special guy – and a lot of what makes him special has been told in comics now tagged with the non-canon "Legends" tag. Of course, it could be worse – yours was not erased from continuity, and its Clone Wars Appearances still matter – but he did not come out unscathed, either!

3 Hurt – Starkiller

Galen Marek – better known by his code name, "Starkiller" – had looked pretty once upon a time. He was not only the star of success The raging force but he was the secret apprentice of Darth Vader himself handpicked!

Then Disney acquired Lucasfilm, and just about every Star wars The video game under the sun was considered non-canon – transforming Starkiller's anti-hero to zero. Not only was The raging force – who filled the prequel and the original trilogies – and her sequel disavowed, but all the tracking games were excluded, too.

Curiously, Starkiller almost received a last minute reprieve before being struck out of Disney's canon.

Star Wars: Rebels Producer Dave Filoni almost used Starkiller as one of the villains Inquisitor seen in the TV series, but eventually gave up the idea.

2 Hurt – Admiral Ackbar

As countless internet memes point out with so much joy, Admiral Ackbar is usually very much on the ball when it comes to spotting a trap. Even this famous military commander was not able to predict the ravages that Disney would make on his life, after taking control of the Star Wars cannon.

In continuity with the original expanded universe, Admiral Mon Calamari lives long enough to resign from his New Republic Fleet Commission and retires. It emerges from retirement when the Republic is threatened by new enemies, the Yuuzhan Vong, and later dies peacefully from old age.

In the Disney canon, Ackbar does not have the opportunity to call it a day, let alone sit in bed. Instead, he is yet another victim of the war between the Resistance and the First Order, as seen in The Last Jedi.

1 Hurt – Kyle Katarn

The fate of Kyle Katarn probably represents the most cruel setback of fortune suffered by any character on this list. Back in the day, Kyle has the critically acclaimed and commercially acclaimed Jedi Knight series of video games, and was looked at affectionately enough by the fans to deserve his own figure of action,

In the universe, in addition to being a respected member of the New Jedi Order, Kyle was responsible for stealing the original Death Star plans – so yes, he has accomplished a lot.

Then Disney took the helm, and not only was Kyle no longer responsible for the Death Star patterns – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story makes it impossible – but it did not even exist anymore! Either way, it's a big step backwards.

That the other Star wars the characters were injured (or rescued) by Disney? Let us know in the comments!

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