Fallon strikes Trump: "Why are you tweeting me?


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Fallon against Trump

Of all the hosts of the night, Jimmy Fallon has not been particularly known for attacking President Trump. But after Fallon said in an interview that he regretted disturbing Trump's hair during the 2016 campaign, Trump came to him on Twitter.

Fallon reacted on Monday on "The Tonight Show", reprimanding the president for taking the time out of his schedule to take part in the social media battles.

"When I saw that Trump had insulted me on Twitter, I was going to tweet immediately, but I thought," I have more important things to do. "Then I thought," Wait, should not he have more important things to do? ? He is the president of the United States. "What are you doing, you are the president, why are you tweeting me?" – JIMMY FALLON

Desus and Mero talked about a viral video showing a white woman reporting a black girl to the authorities for selling water without a license.

What excites us on Tuesday evening

Actor and comedian Nick Kroll, whose latest film, "Uncle Drew", is in theaters now, sits down with Seth Meyers on Tuesday.

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