The White House's plan to solve the crisis of family separation: ¯ _ (ツ) _ / ¯


Well, there was more. It's here:

"Once again, this is a temporary solution that will not last, the Congress must still intervene, it must still do its job, it will only last for a short time, because we will be short of time, we will lack resources to keep people together and we ask Congress to provide these resources and do their work … We do not change the policy. must do what it was elected for, that is, secure our border, that is, stop the crime that is happening in our country, and the Democrats must understand that, and they must work with Republicans and find solutions. "

First, a little context.

As part of the executive order signed by Trump last week – after insisting that a decree could not be made – the administration seeks to allow children to stay in detention centers. detention beyond 20 days of accepted policy. It's a risky legal terrain – not to mention the fact that it's unclear where money (and space) would come from to house the families for years. indefinite periods.
And /, but, US Customs and Border Protection has confirmed that they are not complying with Trump's zero tolerance policy for the time being. Sanders, when pressed on this contradiction, said "we do not change the policy … we are simply short of resources", which means that only five days after Trump signed the OE which according to him, would solve the problem – unless temporarily – his solution is broken.
All that means we currently have: Vast uncertainty about not only what the US government can and should do with families trying to enter the country, but also a shortage of resources for the proposed Band-Aid solution by the president last week. And do not forget that there are still more than 2,000 children who were separated from their parents before Trump's decree was put in place. It is not clear at all what the administration is doing to reunite them with their families.

Faced with this uncertainty, Sanders actually raised his hand Monday, insisting that the administration had done everything it could and that the time had come for Congress to act.

The problem with this non-my-problem logic is that a) we know that Congress is unable to fix the immigration system in a comprehensive manner and b) Trump himself tweeted that "it's not a problem." there is no point in Congress trying to fix things.

"Republicans should stop wasting their time on immigration until we have elected more senators and congressmen in November," Trump tweeted on Friday. "Dems only play games, they do not intend to do anything to solve this problem that is decades old.

If you are a Republican Conservative (or a Moderate) seeking a reason not to be coaxed by GOP Congress leaders to vote for some kind of bill that offers a path to citizenship for DACA recipients while providing the 25 Billion dollars the wall of the southern border, this Trump tweet is all you needed.

This means that the so-called compromise bill that President Paul Ryan will put to the vote this week will fail. There is simply no way for 218 votes for Republicans – and probably not nearly that number.

What comes next depends on what Trump and the administration chose to do. Trump could cancel the zero tolerance policy, which would amount to the "catch and release" policy for which he criticized the Obama administration. Or the president could push some kind of smaller legislative solution – making a concerted effort for a solution to the family separation crisis that does not affect the DACA or the financing of the border.

What can be done for the more than 2,000 children who are still separated from their parents? This seems more likely to be settled by the White House than by Congress – since it is difficult to legislate to unify families.

The problem in all of this is that the Trump administration – as Sanders testifies – can someone else – do it? Monday approach – shows very little desire to find solutions. Trump seems quite comfortable with just blaming the Democrats for obstructing and dropping the political chips where they can.

This is a political solution to a humanitarian crisis – and inadequate to that.

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