Indiana Child pulls handgun found in the sofa at Ikea


Sign of Ikea

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A six-year-old in the US state of Indiana found a loaded handgun on a couch in Ikea and sent him away, police said.

The weapon had fallen into cushions while a client sat down to test the store's sofa in the suburbs of the state capital, Indianapolis.

No one was injured in the Monday incident and no arrests were made. Ikea said that she had expressed "her most sincere apologies" to the child's family.

Police say the owner of the gun did not notice that he had dropped his firearm.

"He sat down and one way or another he detached from that body and when he got up, he did not go there. realized that he was without, "said Tom Weger of the Fishers Police Department at the Washington Post.

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The client did not notice that his weapon fell when he sat in a sofa (archive photo)

The owner continued to shop and only became aware that he had lost his gun after the child shot in a sofa cushion after "a few minutes" of play, added Mr. Weger.

"As soon as he realized that there was agitation in the store, the owner of the gun quickly identified himself … and fully cooperated in the investigation, "he continued.

In their statement, Ikea said that "the safety and security of customers and colleagues is the top priority", and that they have spoken directly to the family of the child to apologize.

Ikea "has a policy of non-weapons in our places to prevent exactly these types of situations," their statement continued.

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The Swedish furniture giant remained open after the incident, following the police investigation.

Attorney Guy Relford told the local WTTV News station that the gun owner was unlikely to face charges, and added that violating the non-weapons policy of the 39; business is not against the law.

"Being a knucklehead is not a crime in Indiana, or in most places," said Mr. Relford to the network.

"I really doubt that there will be criminal charges filed."

He said that it would be very difficult for a prosecutor to prove criminal negligence in this case.

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