The judge orders the United States to reunite their families, stop border separations


Trump said last week that the order "would solve this problem" of separated children from their parents, and government lawyers have argued that he had "largely" addressed the issue. But Sabraw wrote that the statements submitted by the government show that the order was intended to reunite families only "after the conclusion of the parents' immigration case" so that they can be "deported together".

The order "is silent on the question of the reunification of families who have already been separated or who will be separated in the future," he writes.

Moreover, he writes, "the record also shows that the family separation was taking place before the zero tolerance policy was announced and that this practice resulted in the occasional, if not deliberate, separation of families legally present at the point of departure. ;Entrance. not just those who enter the country illegally. "

And he focused on a provision of order intended to allow the government to continue separating migrant families when "there is a concern that detention of a foreign child with the parent The child's alien would pose a risk to the well-being of the child.

Sabraw called this standard "subjective" and wrote: "objective standards are necessary, not subjective, especially in light of the history of this case" –

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