The artist in the debate on plagiarism "This Is America": "There are so many more important questions that concern us"


New York artist Jase Harley was thrown in the middle of a plagiarism debate this week when a Reddit user noticed similarities between his song "American Pharaoh" and the Childish megahit Gambino "This Is America".

But the lesser-known rapper urged his fans to stay focused on the message that the two artists were making with their respective plays, rather than on the accusation of plagiarism.

"PLEASE DO NOT let this controversy dilute the message that I and @childishgambino are trying to convey," Harley wrote in an Instagram post posted Monday.

"We are talking about the injustices we have encountered and he has helped to provide a platform for all our voices to be heard," he added. "Do not discredit him for that! The focus should be on change in our communities and building equality. It's bigger than me and he and bigger than the music. Let's not lose focus. "

While acknowledging that he felt "This Is America" ​​was influenced by his 2016 song, he reiterated his message to fans on Tuesday, once again stressing that there are bigger problems deserving their attention.

"I appreciate all the new fans and fans," wrote Harley on Instagram. "I'm here to make changes, there are so many more important issues we are facing right now. Thank you."

Childish Gambino, also known as Donald Glover, has not responded to the plagiarism charge, although his creative partner Fam Rothstein has retaliated to claim in a tweet since deleted, writing, "This Song is 3 years old, and we have Pro Tools files to prove it. "

"This Is America" ​​stormed the Internet last month, with haunting images of its music video becoming viral and the song debuted at number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 list.

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