In the Battle of $ 5 Million on a Richard Pryor Biopic


Damon Dash, the former music mogul and co-founder of Roc-a-Fella Records (along with Jay-Z and Kareem's "Biggs" Burke) confronted filmmaker Lee Daniels of Precious and Empire Celebrity at a Diana Ross concert last weekend in Los Angeles.

The confrontation would have been with regard to the $ 5 million fee that Dash asks Daniels in a new lawsuit, according to TMZ. The lawsuit claims that Daniels promised Dash an executive producer credit for a Richard Pryor biopic and five percent of Daniels profits; Daniels would later have abandoned the project and his promises to Dash.

In a video of the confrontation, Dash presses Daniels about how he plans to handle the situation, before revealing that he is about to launch a lawsuit and will make it public.

"As a black man, I gave you the money you needed, so how can I not give my money?" Asks a furious Danian to Daniels. "Diana Ross speaks to the audience in the background, Dash urges Daniels to" tell all these people how you've done me wrong. "Daniels, obviously angry, tells Dash that he will give him his phone number and they will" have a discussion ", later promising that he will get Dash the money he has. "You never had to fight yourself," Dash tells Daniels moments before the video stops.

Dash then aired a shortened version of the video clip on Instagram, accompanied by a long caption detailing the incident. Dash claims that he lent Daniels "2 million to pay for his dream of being a director", explaining that Daniels had promised him money in "months", but that he had then left the radar for a moment before returning to do The butler and next Empire, all without refunding Dash. Now, Dash is looking for five million dollars in his recent suit.

"Why do I have to look crazy to get my money back … or go to court?", Asks Dash in his Instagram capsulesure. "See you in court Lee your [sic] will pay me what you owe.

This is not the first time Daniels is cited in a lawsuit. Sean Penn has already sued the director for $ 10 million in a defamation lawsuit after Daniels, while defending Empire The actor Terrence Howard in an interview, alluded to the domestic violence rumors that Penn faced while he was married to Madonna. Penn and Daniels later cleared after nearly nine months of back and forth.

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