Michio Kaku offers predictions about how human colonization of Mars can play in the 2030s


It's not just space agencies like NASA, but also private companies like SpaceX that want to send humans to Mars at some point, with the 2030s often mentioned as a likely date to reach that threshold. With all the time left before the possible colonization of the red planet, there are still many moving parts and many questions to which there is still no answer. However, the famous physicist and futurist Michio Kaku has an idea of ​​what could happen if and when humans head for Mars.

Jeremy Hobson in an Interview Here and Now Kaku explained that there are many potential challenges that humans might encounter when they travel to Mars, but acknowledged that # There were "real plans" to send humans to the Red Planet "maybe around the 2030s". asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter after. Kaku also presented a list of expectations and things to do to properly colonize Mars.

"We want to start Mars' s terraforming process first – if you could increase the Mars temperature by 6 degrees in the future, you could induce an artificial greenhouse effect that would disappear on its own. Some people think that if we have satellites, solar satellites that orbit around Mars and reflect sunlight up to the polar ice caps, then you could melt the polar ice caps and then the rivers and seas could flow freely On the surface of Mars, according to Michio Kaku, the above steps could result in transgenic plants thriving in the Martian atmosphere, and could also allow for genetic modifications to algae and plants grown on the ground. He added that humans can then start exploiting resources, with ice being the first priority because it could be used ee to extract drinking water once purified and be broken down into oxygen and hydrogen to help people breathe and be used as rocket fuel.

Kaku added that it is important that humans colonize Mars in a self-sustaining way, and a way that does not serve as a "drain" on the US economy. He insisted, however, that his expectations were of a long-term nature and that a trip to Mars would probably not occur in the near future, even though "preparatory work was in progress" as he 39, noted.

Considering how NASA, SpaceX and Blue Origin plan to launch manned Mars missions in the years to come, Michio Kaku did not directly answer the question of who would be the first – a government space agency or a private company – to send humans to Mars. He, however, congratulated the respective SpaceX and Blue Origin officials, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, citing the first for his plans to make Martian a much more affordable journey, and the second for wanting to send polluting industries into space. , thus making the Earth a "garden" and a "testimony of the clean environment".

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