The fight of Ruth and Debbie on & # 39; GLOW & # 39; is a look at what ambition can do for a female friendship


From the beginning, Netflix's GLOW overturned catfighting stereotypes, particularly with respect to Debbie and Ruth. Although the old best friends fall because Ruth sleeps with Debbie's husband, the second season highlights that they've never really squabbled over a man. The battle of Ruth and Debbie's Hospital on GLOW brings a lot of tension to the head, and it's a raw, relatable argument that goes to the root of how the # Female ambition affects a friendship. Spoilers ahead for GLOW Season 2. At the end of season 1, there was a glimmer of hope for the friendship of Debbie and Ruth – after crushing their surprise match in the pilot Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling they were exalted. Ruth asked if Debbie wanted a drink, and Debbie replied that they were not there yet. It was a healthy recognition that there was still a lot of work to be done to repair the trust between them, but the "still" implied that they would eventually get there.

However, season 2 almost completely destroys Ruth and Debbie's relationship. Debbie sabotages Ruth's date with Russell the cameraman. They are fighting over how Ruth handled a meeting with the head of the network. Then Debbie breaks Ruth's ankle in the ring – which did not concern Ruth, but also Ruth. Season 2 highlights his themes, with stories on the ring reflecting what wrestlers have in their outdoor lives. Prior to the ankle incident, Debbie snorted cocaine because she was angry because she had just met the new girlfriend of her ex-husband, his secretary. But of course, since the series opened with Mark and Ruth caught up in a case, Debbie's anger finally turns to Ruth in the end.

Erica Parise / Netflix

When Debbie goes to visit Ruth at the hospital, they understand – not about Mark, but about how Ruth does not feel like she had the opportunities in her career or love life that Debbie has. Debbie felt guilty of her own happiness and success for the same reason.

"I never made you feel like a disaster," says Debbie. But Ruth insists that she did it: "Whenever we saw each other, you drew everything, let me give you every detail, every shtty audition, the horrible dates, we can ride in all my failures and mistakes and then you could go home to your home and your family and your life. "

Chances are, many viewers have been on one or both sides of this fight with a friend. Maybe, like Debbie, you've downplayed your accomplishment. "Just pretend that everything you did, if you worked hard, does not count at all because she's going to feel bad and insecure about her life and yearn for all the joy of every moment that you have had said Debbie.

Perhaps, like Ruth, you have secretly hated joking about your failures. Maybe you were even caught between the two, unable to tell a friend that you were jealous of them, lest they think you were not happy either for them.

This is one of the things that occur when, to paraphrase Margaret Atwood, powerful or ambitious women are perceived as anomalies rather than as born leaders. Women would not feel so jealous all the time if they did not feel like we were all competing for that one point of what we want most.

Erica Parise / Netflix

At this stage of the season and their dynamics, it is tempting to wonder what is it about this friendship that is worth being saved. Sleeping with her friend's husband, Ruth betrayed Debbie in a real way. Sometimes relationships are simply irreparable. They are adults. Can not they just be colleagues? What continues to bring Ruth and Debbie one to the other?

"I do not think [Debbie] and Mark had one of the great loves of the century," said actor Betty Gilpin in an interview with Vanity Fair. "But she and Ruth do it.I think Ruth and Debbie, as actresses and young women, had to try on a million identities – if that's a sexy lawyer at this audition, or if she's laughing, polite plus one at this Christmas party at the office.You must really hang on to those girlfriends who really know your goofy ego of seven, because that person is buried on the way home. try all these different men's hats.It is helpful to have someone on the way who says. "Do not worry, I know who you are."

Even though they shout insults against each other, you can say that Ruth and Debbie know each other who is the other one. love and want the other to be happy, and that all come out in a fight in a hospital room. GLOW allows these women to be problematic in anger without judge them, and this confirms that the problem between them has never been only Mark. The case was just an inciting incident.

At the end of the episode, Debbie returns and signs the cast of Ruth. In the final of the season, Ruth Zoya's character takes the crown, and she and Debbie are in Vegas with the rest of the cast GLOW . They may never be best friends, and that's understandable, but they have made significant progress in Season 2. With their vulnerable fight, Ruth and Debbie have allowed themselves to stop walking with their ambitions, and for two women with such big goals, it's probably a step in the right direction.

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