100 feared Libya's death as EU leaders welcome migrants' agreement


A rescue operation is underway, but the bodies of three children have been recovered, said Libyan Marine spokesman Ayoub Qassim

according to the International Organization for Migration.

"The bodies of three children under five were found, how many dead or dead, we do not know for now," said Christine Petre, spokeswoman for the United States. IOM for Libya. providing on-site medical assistance, and additional staff was deployed, said Petre. "IOM provides direct humanitarian assistance at the point of landing, including water and food," she said.

Separately, about 345 migrants were returned Friday on the Libyan coast by the Libyan coastguard. 10,200 migrants have been brought back to Libya so far in 2018, said Petre. More than 2,000 people were fired by the Libyan coast guard last week

  Migrants wait at a naval base in Tripoli, Libya, after being rescued in the Mediterranean this week.

The EU "abdicating his responsibilities"

The humanitarian group Médecins Sans Frontières urged Friday European leaders to "show decency" in securing their responsibilities. committing to seek and "EU Member States abdicate their responsibilities to save lives and deliberately condemn vulnerable people to be trapped in Libya, or die at sea," said Karline Kleijer, chief of emergencies for the country. group help.

"They are fully aware of the extreme violence and abuse that refugees and migrants endure in Libya."

  Migrants are aboard an intercepted ship off Tripoli on a photo of the Libyan Coast Guard. Libyan deportation centers are teeming with abuse, according to rights groups, and a covert investigation conducted by CNN last year revealed cases of migrants being auctioned off slaves. The new Italian populist government has sparked controversy this month by closing its ports to ships saving migrants from the Mediterranean. </div>
<p>  Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Friday hailed the agreement of the European Council. no longer alone. "</p>
<p><h3> Uptick in crossings </h3>
<div class= As part of the agreement reached on Friday at the summit of the Brussels European Council, the European Union will look into the establishment of Merkel is saved for at the moment, but Europe has not solved its migration problem "data-src-mini =" // cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180629141647-01-merkel -macron-0629-small-169.jpg "data-src-xsmall =" // cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180629141647-01-merkel-macron-0629-medium-plus-169.jpg " data-src-small = "http://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180629141647-01-merkel-macron-0629-large-169.jpg" data-src-medium = "// cdn. cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180629141647-01-merkel-macron-0629-exlarge-169.jpg "data-src-large =" // cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180629141647-01 -merkel-macron-0629-super-169.jpg "data-src-full16x9 =" // cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180629141647-01-merkel-macron-0629-full-169.jpg " data-src-mini1x1 = "// cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180629141647-01-merkel-macron- 0629-small-11.jpg "data-demand-load =" not-loaded "data-eq-pts =" mini: 0, xsmall: 221, small: 308, medium: 461, large: 781 "src =" data : image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhEAAJAJEAAAAAAP /////// wAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQAAkAAAIKlI + py + 0Po5yUFQA7 "/>

The proposed "regional landing platforms" would be in North African countries such as Libya, with the aim of breaking the drug traffickers. 39 humans who ship migrants across the sea to Europe. However, it is not yet known whether these countries are capable or willing to operate such a system.

European leaders also agreed to step up their efforts to stop traffickers operating outside Libya or elsewhere, including increased support for the Libyan Coast Guard and for the Sahel region, through which many migrants from sub-Saharan Africa travel north.

In addition, the agreement provides more money for Spain and Morocco to stem the migrants crossing the eastern Mediterranean route

. thousands of migrants – many of whom are fleeing conflict, poverty or oppression – continue to risk their lives on overcrowded and barely navigable boats in the hope of finding a better life on European shores [19659002] 95% of their summit in October 2015, there has recently been a slight increase in some routes across the Mediterranean, said the European Council.

By June 6, some 33,400 migrants and refugees had reached Europe by the sea this year, IOM said, most of them arriving in Greece, Italy and Italy. Spain. The estimated number of deaths was 785.
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