Canada finalizes tariffs on US goods and renders services to workers


Justin Trudeau's government finalized CAN $ 16.6 billion ($ 12.6 billion) worth of US goods and pledged money to support businesses and workers affected by US taxes on Canadian exports of steel and aluminum. take effect on July 1st National Day in Canada. Products like beer kegs, mustard and some jams have been removed from the final list, which does not depart from an earlier proposal

Rates reflect the value of those imposed by the President Donald Trump's administration. Canada will apply a tariff of 25% on steel products and 10% on aluminum and consumer goods. The levies will remain in effect until the United States eliminates its rights on Canadian steel and aluminum.

"We will not climb, and we will not back down," Freeland told a steel mill in Hamilton, Ontario. We work closely with our partners in the European Union and Mexico. She also reiterated that the US measures are "illegal" and that the United States has a trade surplus with Canada over iron and steel

. provide up to 2 billion Canadian dollars in assistance to affected workers, including plans to expand the work-sharing program and improve the business innovation fund, similar to the measures taken by the government to mitigate the impact of a spat of timber.

The country is also preparing a new set of quotas and tariffs on the steel of other countries, in order to avoid dumping or diversion after l '. entry into force of US tariffs. The Minister of Innovation, Navdeep Bains, will soon act on this issue, while refusing to provide details on its operation.

The tariff response is the latest development of a recrudescence between the two countries, more than 500 billion worth of goods per year. The United States and Canada are also in talks to update the North American Free Trade Agreement, which includes Mexico.

Americans have applied tariffs to Canadian softwood lumber and are threatening to do so on automobiles. The latter measure is seen as a major threat to Canadian growth and to the North American auto industry, as US automakers rely heavily on supply chains that include its two neighbors.

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