Before the elections, Mexicans say that they want a change, a cessation of violence


MEXICO, Mexico – Mexican voters will go to the polls Sunday for the country's largest election in history, electing a new president, a new Congress, nine governors and hundreds of mayors and local representatives .

against a backdrop of sobriety and violence – more than 130 candidates were killed before the elections

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presidential candidate, commonly known by his initials AMLO, has kept a long lead Throughout the Elections

For Miriam Carreno Campos, 33, López Obrador represents a break with the past, a break with corruption, a moral leader who has values ​​and does what he says that he is not. he did

"He is hope for youth," said Carreno.

  Image: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador salutes the fans at the closing rally of his campaign
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador salutes the fans at the closing rally of his campaign in Mexico City, on June 27, 2018. Ronaldo Schemidt / AFP – Getty Images

M. Obrador clashes with Ricardo Anaya of the Rightist Action Party (PAN) and José Antonio Meade of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (ruling party) (PRI)

A recent survey of the Mexican newspaper Reforma gave 51 % in Obrador, 27% in Anaya and 19% in Meade. The poll polled 1,200 registered voters and had an error margin of four percentage points

If Obrador wins, he will become Mexico's first left-wing president in generations. He ran on an anti-corruption platform with a plan to redirect spending to public works and social programs without new taxes, which appealed to Carreno, who works as director of communications at a private technology school, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City. "This is the root of our most fundamental problem in Mexico," she said, "a lack of investment in things like culture, the arts, surveys, the economy, and the environment. education, making it more attractive for our educated people to leave the country. "

Violence and corruption were themes that dominated the countryside, both locally and nationally. More than 37,000 people have disappeared in Mexico since 2007, according to a government database. Activists and independent watch groups say the number is even higher.

In addition to the murders of at least 132 politicians, more than 300 have suffered a form of aggression since September, according to Etellekt, a Mexico-based public policy consultant.

For Juan Carlos, whose 71-year-old father disappeared 15 months ago from their hometown of Tepoztlán, a small colonial village just north of Mexico City, violence and injustice are all too common for A candidate can stop.

  Image: Women hold banners showing some of the faces of 43 students missing almost four years ago
Women march in Mexico City on May 26, 2018, holding banners showing the faces of some of the 43 " Anthony Vazquez / AP

"My feeling is that none of the candidates understands the problem we are facing and none of its proposals will change anything for the victims of the violence. Despite his doubts, he votes

"I vote for Anaya," said Carlos. "I am not convinced to vote for Anaya, but I am concerned about the promises of amnesty for criminals."

Political analyst Carlos Bravo Regidor said that López Obrador is talking about releasing lower-level offenders, "like peasants growing poppies in the mountains of Guerrero, incredibly poor and incredibly isolated." Obrador says these people do not belong in jail. "

But for Carlos, who will vote this Sunday for the first time without his father," that's all that leads to it. impunity. "You do not have to be a member of a gang or a cartel to be a criminal," he said, "and the chances of you doing Catch are so weak in Mexico that so many people feel the power to take someone's life "

  Image: Presidential candidate Ricardo Anaya kicks supporters at a rally
Mexican presidential candidate Ricardo Anaya kicks supporters at a meeting Mexico City, June 24, 2018. Ramon Espinosa / AP

While López Obrador leads the polls, the battle for second place is between Anaya and Meade.

Bravo Regidor thinks that Meade will not win because it belongs to the same party as the current president of the country Enrique Peña Nieto

Among the questions that weighed on Peña Nieto, Mexico's response to the United States United since Pres. Donald Trump's candidacy and presidency, including his appeals for a wall and questions regarding trade and tariffs

  Image Jose Antonio Meade greets supporters at a rally in Saltillo
José Antonio Meade greets the fans at a rally in Saltillo, Mexico on June 27, 2018. Alberto Puente / Reuters

"One of the reasons people want to withdraw PRI power is to know how the Trump administration was handled by President Nieto, "said Juan Gómez-Cruces. , 35, who lives in Atlanta, Georgia. Mexicans in the United States could register to participate in the election of their country of origin.

Gómez-Cruces says that he remembers that Nieto had invited Trump to Mexico while he was still a candidate. "It was embarrassing," said Gomez, "and now, after what happened with immigration, the separation of children, people do not think that Nieto is strong with Trump."

López Obrador advance position against Trump, including saying that he would denounce the construction of a wall as a violation of human rights, collected him early on. attention and support.

There are 87 million Mexicans in the country and abroad who are registered to vote. The successor to President Enrique Peña Nieto will take office on 1 December.


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