Police called a 12-year-old lawn mower – which only increases it


CLEVELAND – An Ohio boy runs his own business this summer by cutting lawns and cleaning yards.

Reginald Fields, 12, is the owner of Mr. Reggie's lawn cutting service. With many helping hands from his cousins, brothers and sisters, they work every day with the sun in the Maple Heights neighborhood

. That's what they did when someone called the Maple Heights Police Department

. I cut their grass. I did not know! Reggie says.

Her client, Lucille Holt, said that she was confused when she saw the police, but quickly learned the neighbors called to complain that the group cut a section of their property ( about a foot Holt explained Holt.

Reggie Fields said the police did not tell him anything about them or the children, he finished the job and felt a little discouraged.

"I was like that, it's a pity I did not know, "Reggie said.

But that did not last long.

Lucille Holt created a Facebook post about what's going on Has passed and ended with thousands of views and hundreds of shares.I guess I have a line where part is now my court.They called the police to say to the police that children cut their grass, "Holt said in the video.

Now, Reggie gets a lot of support for his new business from people who i see the video and want to make sure it's never discouraged again.

"People send me a mailbox, how can I get in touch with these kids? Where are they? "" Holt says.

Reggie, his brothers and sisters and cousins ​​receive calls from all over the city now.

Reggie says he's trying to save the money he's earning to buy new equipment and develop his

"Call me, I'll be there in time!" said.

As for the neighbor who called the police, they called WEWS to say that they saw the Facebook video, but did not want to go to the camera.

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