A scientist from the former NASA claims that UFOs are real and that governments have covered it


The professor also claims that there is "a lot of evidence" to support the existence of UFOs.

A former NASA physics professor made an explosive statement: UFOs are real, and governments around the world have covered years

Kevin Knuth, who belonged to the faculty of SUNY Albany, made his claims in the Daily Mail . He said that he first acknowledged that UFOs are real in 2002 when he attended the NASA contact conference. He said that while human beings are afraid of the possibility that they are not alone in the universe, the alternative – that we are not alone, and there are extraterrestrial beings – is just as scary, if not more so

. ] But even though he believes it's a conversation we should all have, skepticism on the subject is preventing serious scientific research from occurring.

And while many countries are declassing their UFO files since 2008, this only shows that they have been actively involved in hiding their knowledge of UFOs for decades. Knuth said that Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, New Zealand, Russia, Sweden and the UK are just a few of the many countries that have actively participated to the "great dissimulation".

There were about 300 billion stars in the galaxy, many of which were billions of years older than the sun, and a large percentage of them were likely to "burn." host habitable planets. Even if intelligent life were growing on a very small percentage of these planets, then there should be a number of intelligent civilizations in the galaxy. "

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