In a joke appeal, comedian claims to reach President Trump aboard Air Force One


A comedian claims to have spoken for several minutes with President Trump after calling the White House and claimed to be an American senator, in an episode that revived the review of the security of communications of the administration Trump.

John Melendez, who is best known by his long-standing nickname on "The Howard Stern Show," Stuttering John, published audio of the alleged conversation on his latest podcast Thursday.

In the appeal, Melendez poses as Senator Robert Menendez (DN.J.) and appears to be repaired to Trump while the President is on board Air Force One on his way back to Washington after his Wednesday evening rally in Fargo, ND

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment A person familiar with the situation said that the White House called the Menendez office Thursday morning to discuss of the question.

"Hi, Bob," says Trump on the call, according to the audio aired on "The Stuttering John Podcast", before The Democrat of New Jersey defended this month a challenger in a primary Senate closer than expected after avoiding the conviction in a federal corruption lawsuit last year.

"You went through a hard"

Melendez and Trump then discuss the immigration policy and the selection process of a Supreme Court candidate before concluding their conversation a few minutes later.

"You take care of it," said Trump at the end of the call. "I'll talk to you soon, Bob. Take care of yourself. "

In a statement, Menendez said that he would be happy to have a conversation with Trump on immigration.

" As someone who has spent my entire career to try to convince the Republicans to join me in the reform The broken immigration system of our country, I look forward to any opportunity to have a real conversation with the President on how to maintain the American values ​​that have guided our family immigration policy for a century, "he said. month after reports that the use of smartphones issued by the Trump government may expose it to security risks. The president was also criticized last year for addressing the sensitive issue of the US response to a North Korean ballistic missile while he was on the terrace of his club Mar-a- Lago at Palm Beach.

Melendez, who left Stern's show in 2004 and continued to work as an advertiser for Jay Leno's "Tonight Show," has long been known to ambush celebrities with embarrassing questions. In a memorable appearance, he asked Gennifer Flowers at his 1992 press conference about his affair with Bill Clinton, "Are you going to sleep with other presidential candidates?"

"Many of these celebrities do not understand." Melendez told the Washington Post in an interview in 1994. "They are so used to being treated as the elite, they have put themselves on such a pedestal. They forget that they are just human beings.

Melendez said Friday in an interview with CNN that he was "shocked" to have managed to reach the president.

"I mean, we did it like a gaffe; I'm a comedian, "said Melendez." I could not believe it took us an hour and a half for Jared Kushner and Donald Trump to be on the phone with Air Force One. "Kushner is Trump's senior advisor and son-in-law

In a tweet on Thursday Melendez stated that he had "totally cheated the president" and that he had made contact with him in "less than two hours when" 39; he was on Air Force One. "He also stated that the media did not take over history. 19659017] I find it amazing that the media do not realize that I have totally cheated the president and contacted him in less than two hours while he was on Air Force One .. Shame, NBC /, CNN and Huffington Post.

– John Melendez (@stutteringjohnm) June 29, 2018

On the podcast, Melendez calls first the standard of the White House and identifies as "Stutteri ng John Melendez, "But we say that Trump is unavailable. He then recalls from his California cellphone and – while speaking with a vaguely British accent – identifies himself as Menendez's assistant and says that the senator wants to talk to Trump about "some project of law that is pressing now. "

The operator finally calls and connects him with Trump on board Air Force One.

In the conversation, Melendez asks Trump how he plans to continue on the hot topic of family separations at the southern US border, saying to the president, "

Trump responds by expressing his optimism Congress can" do a real immigration bill ". Legislators left the city this week after failing to pass two separate bills, and they remain divided over how to proceed on a narrower solution to the issue of family separation.

"I would like to make the biggest solution rather than the smallest solution," says Trump on the appeal, adding, "I think we can do it all." I have a good relationship with the feast; "

He continues to advocate for increased border security, telling Melendez that it's" good for both of us. "

" No, I understand that, but I am Hispanic "Melendez replies." So, you know, I must also take care of my people. You understand. "

" I agree. I agree, "Trump says.

Melendez also tells Trump on the call not to" go too conservative "with his choice for a Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Anthony M Kennedy, who announced his retirement on Wednesday, responds that he expects to make a decision on a candidate "over the next 12 to 14 days."

"I have a list of people. I've got a big list of people, Bob, and we're going to take a look at it, "said Trump.

On Friday night, the call had become a news source by cable, with guests on CNN and MSNBC are amazed at the ease with which Melendez has apparently managed to convince the president

"This is perhaps the best way to get an interview with the president Trump now, "joked Chuck Todd at a round-table discussion on MSNBC.

Ryan Lizza, CNN policy analyst, wondered why the White House was not alarmed by the raised red flags by the appeal of Melendez

"Why Bob Menendez, Senator from New Jersey, would he have an English accent? code? he asked.

Philip Rucker contributed to this report.

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