Syria condemns the new powers of the chemical weapons corps


Damascus (AFP) – Damascus on Friday criticized the decision to grant the global chemical watchdog the power to identify the perpetrators of the attacks, in anticipation of the results of an investigation into the attacks alleged gas in Syria

. sustained proposal to strengthen the mandate of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons adopted by 82 votes to 24.

"Syria expresses deep concern over the methods of blackmail and threat used by countries Westerners … to pass a resolution at the OPCW Emergency Session, "said a source at the Syrian Foreign Ministry

that would allow the OPCW to serve as a" vehicle " to commit violations against independent and sovereign states under the pretext of the use of chemical weapons ". SANA reported the source as saying.

"The decision will only add new complications to the ability of the OPCW to play its role, which will lead to its paralysis."

The Hague-based organization is expected to publish the much awaited results of its investigation into a suspected toxic gas attack in April in the Syrian city of Duma.

Until this week, the watchdog's mandate was limited to determining whether a chemical attack had occurred or not.

Rescuers and doctors say 40 people were killed in the alleged chlorine and sarin attack in Duma on April 7 when the regime launched a deadly offensive to retake the city from rebels. Russia, which vehemently opposed the granting of additional powers to the OPCW, said that it did not exclude leaving what it calls a "sinking of the Titanic".

The decision "creates a dangerous precedent" by giving an "organization dealing with scientific and technical questions the power to conduct criminal and judicial investigations that are not its specialty".

"Syr She reiterated her condemnation of the use of chemical weapons by anyone, no matter where and under any circumstances," said the source.

Last year, Russia used its right of veto in the United Nations Security Council. panel aimed at identifying those behind the suspected chemical attacks in Syria.

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