Pot companies urge California to delay strict test rules


Nearly 150 cannabis companies in California warned Friday that they could suffer crushing financial losses unless the state extends the deadline of July 1 imposing Strict standards for testing and packaging. Jerry Brown, the United Cannabis Business Association, said the changes would further disrupt the troubled legal market that was launched on Jan. 1, which could force companies to shut down

. Association President Jerred Kiloh estimated that businesses could lose nearly $ 400 million if these unsold supplies are destroyed.

19659003] "Forcing the industry to comply … will further cripple the regulated market already in trouble," writes the letter.

However, the State Office of Cannabis Control has not indicated that it would consider going back on the deadline.

"We published our emergency regulations in November, and at the time, we were very clear about the fact that there would be six … transition period of. one month for retailers to exhaust their existing supply.We felt that it was sufficient time to deplete stocks and adapt to California's new rules, "he said. spokesman Alex Traverso said in an e-mail

. this pot sold after Saturday meets stringent quality standards. With the approach of the deadline, retailers have unloaded untested stocks at unbeatable prices.

The most important legal pot market in the country has been irregular. Others fear that the shortage of retailers, both for marijuana for adult use and for marijuana for medicinal purposes, could result in the closure of the supply chain, which would prevent producers from growing mountains. unsold plants. 19659003] California is subject to temporary regulations, while the largest city, Los Angeles, has been slow to issue licenses.

The change of the rules was part of the state. It's a decision to allow the industry to get off to a good start early in the year. The stores had six months to consume cannabis and edible foods produced without rigorous requirements.

Any marijuana harvested this year or sold on July 1 must meet quality and safety standards or be destroyed.

an emerging industry that is struggling to find its place.

The group said that the 30 labs allowed to test the pot would be unable to handle the demand, which would result in a shortage of products on the shelves. A system to track the plants of the seed for sale has been delayed. And the packaging companies are not ready to respect the new rules.

"Customers and patients will turn to retailers and illicit delivery services who will always have an abundance of products to sell." The letter said.

Companies and advocacy groups that signed the letter represent a fraction of the legal market of the state.For example, more than 3,300 crop licenses have been issued, and there are more than 400 authorized retailers.

Testimonial Michael R. Blood, author of the Associated Press


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