& # 39; We live the servant's tale & # 39;


Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore was inflamed in the "Real Time" on Friday night, telling animator Bill Maher that it is now time to unite to stop the "madness" of the Trump administration, even comparing it to the dystopian world "The tale of the maid."

"We live" The tale of the maid, "said Moore." It's a serious point. The best part of the show is the flashbacks, where she tries to figure out where was the point where it was too late. Where was the point that if we had all stood up, just did something? But because it happens in small increments. This is how Fascism works. "

Moore goes around this week talking about the situation in Washington DC and talking about his upcoming movie," Fahrenheit 11/9, "which refers to the date in 2016, when Trump became the president-elect. He hopes the film's premiere several weeks before the November mid-term elections (it will be released on September 21) will help "get millions out of the polls."

"We are going to bring down Trump," he said.

" I will not participate in giving hope to people "Moore said." Anyone who is waiting for hope, this implies that there is no feeling of urgency. This is not somewhere above the rainbow. Optimism is very dangerous. According to Moore, the first item on the agenda is the appointment of a Supreme Court Judge after the November elections, before winning Democratic seats in Arizona, Nevada and Tennessee. said are all at hand. To bring the point back to those in Washington DC, Moore is ready to join a million other Americans to surround the US Capitol in protest.

Watch Moore's interview in clip above

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