Trump supporters are not welcome in Canada? Director dismissed after refusing to serve MAGA Cap customer


A manager at a Vancouver restaurant was fired after refusing to serve a man wearing a baseball cap with the slogan "Make America Great Again" by President Donald Trump.

In an email to Global News Canada, Darin Hodge said the dispute had erupted when he asked a boss at Stanley Park Teahouse in Vancouver to remove his MAGA baseball cap.

 GettyImages- 621157358 A man at the Vancouver restaurant has been denied service after refusing to withdraw his MAGA cap Getty Images

"I stand my decision to ask the boss to take off his hat.The MAGA hat came to symbolize racism, fanaticism, islamophobia [sic] misogyny, white supremacy, homophobia. </ p> <p> As a person with a strong moral backbone, I had to take a stand against this guest's choice of headgear in my former workplace. "Lexington Red Hen Restaurant Will Deny Service to White House Press Secretary , Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The decision led to a debate on the breaking of civility in American politics.

In the past few weeks, Trump has run up against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over trade policy and tariffs.

Eva Gates, vice president of human resources for the Sequoia group of restaurants – who owns the tearoom – defended the decision to sack Hodge in a statement at the exit.

He described him as "a good person with a big heart and a right to his personal beliefs". However, he says he was fired "Sequoia does not tolerate intolerance of any kind, and it is because of these principles that we can not discriminate against anyone because of his or her support to the current administration in the United States or any other "

This is not the first time that those wearing clothes bearing the slogan MAGA, that critics associate with anti-immigrant policies and anti-LGBT president, drew lightnings.

On Wednesday, a Chicago bar announced that he was banning MAGA hats in order to "keep it chic."

And New Year Last, north of the border, a judge from Hamilton, Ontario, was wearing a MAGA hat in court, suspended for 30 days.

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