Alabama woman says to "lose weight" has 50-pound ovarian cysts removed


(Jackson Hospital)

(WSFA / CNN Newsource) After months of unexplained weight gain and stomach problems, an Alabama woman had a 50 pound ovarian cyst

Kayla Rahn told WSFA that she was having trouble doing daily activities because of the cyst.

"I could not even walk up to my car without losing my breath," Rahn said.

The doctors first told her that she just needed to lose weight.

"I had been trying to lose weight for about a year, but I was gaining weight," said Rahn. "I thought I was 9 months pregnant, we went to dinner and someone asked if I had twins, it was frustrating and difficult."

After the pain became too strong, she went to Jackson Hospital. emergency room, where doctors discovered the giant cyst, according to a press release from the hospital.

Dr. Gregory Jones and Dr. R. D. Seirafi proceeded to the operation to remove the cyst the next day

While Dr. Jones said that he has already seen this, he said the size was surprising.

"The technical diagnosis: mucinous cystadenoma.It is a benign condition.It is one of the largest I have ever seen or removed," said Jones. "We are very excited, things went well for her."

Rahn remembers the moment she knew she was going to improve.

"I remember telling my mom and crying that they were going to fix that. I knew something was wrong, "said Rahn," Jones encourages everyone to be their own patient rights advocate and persists if you know something is wrong. "Continue to raise issues with your patient. doctor they do not improve.

Rahn, says that she is excited to get back to work and that she feels relieved of her pain. a huge burden

"As soon as I got home and was able to move a little, I tried on every shirt that I had and it was awesome Says Rahn. "This dress I wear, I have not been able to wear it in a year."

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