Alicia Keys' March speech titled "Families Belong Together" Will Make You Rip You – VIDEO


She may have won 15 Grammys for her music, but Alicia Keys' March 2012 video discourse "Families Belong Together" proves her voice is even more powerful when she speaks causes close to his heart. Taking the mic at the Washington, D.C., immigration rally on Saturday, June 30, Keys first appeared as a mother, in a clip posted by CNN. What followed was a passionate speech and rallying cry:

"My seven-year-old son is here with me today, he's calling Egypt and I could not even imagine can not find it. I even imagine being separated from him or scared by the way he is treated, so that's all our fight because if it can happen to any child, it can happen to my child and your child and all our children. "[19659003LesmarchesetlesrassemblementsquionteulieudanslesprincipalesvillesdesEtats-Unisontétéorganiséspourprotestercontrelapolitiqued'immigrationpolarisantede"tolérancezéro"del'administrationTrumpselonlaquellelesenfantsd'immigrésetdedemandeursd'asileontétéséparésdeleursparentsLechanteurde"GirlOnFire"acontinuéàlire words wrenching d & # 39; such a mother whose son is now detained in an immigration detention center in Portland, Oregon, as posted by CNN

I spent sleepless nights, searching for and looking for my son, not knowing where he was, a torture day after day. "Keys read a letter in which the mother wrote that she had been promised for several months that she would be reunited with her. son and even bought him Christmas gifts. All of these gifts remain wrapped, leaving the woman with a feeling of "deep sadness" every time she sees them and wishing the officials would at least allow her to see her son "if it's only for one." little moment.

Continued passage of "Margarita" (her name was changed for privacy reasons), who said that she endured the home checks and the endless paperwork: "What mother would not want to have her son in his arms? "

As shown in a video posted on the " Families Belong Together "official Twitter account of March Keys later left the crowd chanting" we do not back down "and sharing a few last thoughts:

"Our democracy is at stake. Our humanity is at stake. We are here to save the soul of our nation, we need all children to be reunited with their parents, we ask to put end to the politics of zero humanity.Court and we must vote, because when we vote, we win. "

Other celebrities lead the charge at the Washington DC march, including a emotional Ferrera America, who noted his heir Honduran court in a passionate speech and also read a letter from a man who "is fighting to be reunited with his granddaughter".

Meanwhile, Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda sang a lullaby for parents separated from their children and promised not to stop before they could sing them to their children. Miranda also tweeted a photo of himself with Ferrera, Keys and Egypt with the hashtag #FamiiesBelongTogether.

The cause of immigrant rights is what Keys has been advocating for a long time. In 2016, she honored World Refugee Day by playing in the short film Let Me In an American mother fleeing with her children from a war-torn Los Angeles in Mexico.

"I want us all to imagine if we were the refugees, if we were the ones who were torn from the arms of our families and loved ones," Keys, whose song, "Hallelujah," was featured in the 12 minutes, wrote in a statement, according to MTV. "While some seek to fan the flames of division and turn against our neighbors, we are here to defend love and compassion, how would we feel if it happened to us?"

She and her husband Swizz Beatz put a point of honor to give an example to his son, Egypt: at the Grammy Awards, Swizz Beatz made a political fashion statement in favor of DREAMers , wearing a red Ricardo Seco jacket adorned with a Mexican nineteenth century quote. Benito Juarez: " Among people and between nations and between nations, respect for the rights of others is peace."

Michael Loccisano / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

The music producer also posted his reaction to the video of Rachel Maddow's tearful depression while reporting on immigration policy, starting from his Instagram account on June 20, writing: "Time out what's really goi ng on! ️! ️ … we'd better focus that's true !!!!! If you have kids, you understand that this It's not cool! I can not lie, it made me cry while I look at my kids … If you vibrate with Trump, never talk to me, I do not care who you are! Les! ️! ️ "

While Americans remain deeply divided over current immigrant separations, videos of speeches, such as that given by Keys at the March" Families Belong Together ", clearly show that emotions continue to be raised for those who are fighting for the cause.

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