AUSTIN, Texas – The oldest American men, a 112-year-old man who served during the Second World War, saw his bank account compromised by thieves.

Richard Overton's account was infiltrated and used to buy bonds without his knowledge, his cousin, Volma Overton Jr., told the KVUE.

He said he noticed on June 27 that there were several debts of the Overton bank account for the savings bonds. He did not mean how much there was in the account, nor how much he had taken, but Overton Jr. said that a very large sum of money had been taken at Overton.

A police report was filed Friday. Overton Jr. said both Social Security and bank account numbers were used to make withdrawals.

Money was separated from an online campaign that had raised more than $ 300,000 for Overton, the World War II veteran, who was in Pearl Harbor just after the summer. Japanese attack.

home care for Overton

To learn more: He smokes, he drinks, he enjoys life: the eldest man of his life. America Turns 112

Overton was born near Austin in 1906 During the Second World War, he served as an elite sniper in a separate unit while he was stationed at Pearl Harbor and Okinawa. He served in the South Pacific from 1940 to 1945 with stops in Hawaii, Guam and Iwo Jima.

Richard Overton, left, smokes a cigar with some friends from the neighborhood, Donna Shorts, in the center and Martin Wilford in Austin, Texas. Overton, considered the world's oldest veteran of the Second World War, celebrated his 109th birthday on the steps of East Austin with his friends and family. (Photo: Ricardo B. Brazziell, Austin, American statesman via AP)

Overton turned 112 on May 11. He celebrated by organizing an annual neighborhood party in his Austin home. Members of the public helped celebrate, including Austin Mayor Steve Adler and Austin Police Chief Brian Manley.

The gerontology research group classifies Overton as the oldest living American man. The only other man on this list, Masazou Nonaka from Japan, has not publicly claimed to be a veteran of the Second World War.

According to a profile in Dallas Morning News the path of Overton to longevity is what most doctors recommend

He smokes a dozen cigars a day (smoking increases the cancer risk). He likes whiskey and coke (it is reported that alcohol reduces life expectancy). And he wakes up with several cups of coffee (California adds cancer warnings to the cafe), the newspaper reports.

His secret for longevity? "Keep on living, do not die."

Contribution: Associated Press, Joel Shannon, United States TODAY & # 39; HUI

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