The Hubble Space Telescope captures the image of a massive globular cluster that hosts 10 billion-year-old stars


Hubble's Wide-Field Camera Camera 3 captured images of the massive globular NGC 6139 cluster orbiting the Milky Way galaxy. The star group hosts stars that formed 10 billion years ago. ( ESA / Hubble & NASA )

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured an image of an extensive collection of aging stars that, according to scientists, could be old to 10 billion years old.

by NASA on June 29 shows a massive globular cluster of a gravitational collection of stars orbiting the Milky Way. The star cluster image is a composite of separate exposure acquired by the Hubble Wide-Field Camera 3 instrument.

"This rich, dense cluster of stars is a massive globular cluster, a gravitational collection of stars orbiting the Milky Way.," NASA described the picture.

Globular Clusters

Globular clusters are denser and more spherical compared to clusters of open stars such as the famous Pleiades. Large galaxies, including the Milky Way, host globular clusters. Astronomers believe that there are between 150 and 180 of these star clusters orbiting the Milky Way.

NGC 6139, the particular globular cluster captured by Hubble, is one of the globular clusters in orbit around our galaxy

containing hundreds of thousands of stars that formed roughly in same time, are robust. While the universe and galaxies have evolved over time, many of these globular clusters have remained intact for billions of years.

Most of those revolving around the Milky Way are more than 10 billion years old, which means that they contain the oldest stars of the galaxy, formed very early in the world. History of the Milky Way.

Globular clusters are therefore useful for estimating the age of the universe and the center of a galaxy. It also helps to illuminate other objects and phenomena in the universe.

A study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in June proposed the idea that supermassive stars were perhaps born around the same

Observations of 96 clusters Massive globular cells orbiting the center of the Milky Way also suggest that the Milky Way has engulfed a large number of galaxies for billions of years

. ] GSU 6139

GSU 6139, located about 35 000 light years away, was discovered in May 1826 by Scottish astronomer James Dunlop.

The Star Cluster is seen approximately in the direction of the center of the Milky Way, in the constellation Scorpius. The constellation serves as a gold mine for astronomers to find interesting astronomical objects, such as the butterfly nebula, binary star systems and other star clusters.

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