Democratic Senator blocks calls for the abolition of ICE: "We will still need the application of immigration"


Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar on Sunday rejected calls from fellow Democrats to abolish the US Immigration and Customs Agency, putting a damper on the far-left proposal which has gained popularity in recent days. 19659002] "We will still need an immigration law enforcement," Klobuchar told ABC's "This Week" show.

"I think we know it," she added. "We are a big country with major borders, so the question is what are these policies."

Kirsten Gillibrand, New York 2020 presidential candidate, and Mayor Bill de Blasio both advocated Abolition of ICE. Another possible presidential candidate, California Senator Kamala Harris, said officials should "re-examine" ICE and "think from scratch".

And Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren called to "replace ICE" in a rally on Saturday.


But Klobuchar has refused to endorse this approach, and insisted that the only thing I can do is to make a mistake. focus should be on immigration policy. I think what needs to change is politics, and the people who make these policies make horrible decisions like separating children from their parents, "she said in" This Week ".

"I'm just scared Connecticut Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal also echoed Klobuchar's messages that" The abolition of ICE will not result in anything. we do not change Trump's policies. "

"We Are Still"

– Sen. Democrat Amy Klobuchar

The growing influence behind the push to get rid of ICE was highlighted earlier this week with the shocking victory of Main Liberal challenger Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the representative Joseph Crowley, DN.Y., a member of the party leadership.

Ocasio-Cortez emphasized his support for the abolition of the ICE during the campaign, and even protested in front of an ICE center in Texas.

Speaking exclusively to Fox News's Maria Bartiromo on "Sunday Morning Futures," President Trump said the Democrats who are campaigning for the abolition of the disaster ICE Risk at the Polls

"Well, I hope they'll keep thinking about it," he said. "Because they're going to be beaten so badly."

"You know ICE, these are the guys who come in and take MS-13, and they take them out," added Trump. "Because they're a lot harder than MS-13, like by a factor of 10. … you get rid of ICE, you're going to have a country that you're going to be scared to go out of you. "

Alex Pappas of Fox News contributed to this report

Gregg Re is a publisher for Fox News, follow him on Twitter @gregg_re . [ad_2]
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