Michelle Wolf: Ivanka Trump is like herpes, she "always appears when we are about to get the F-ed" (Video)


Actress Michelle Wolf is mocked calls for civility in politics on the latest episode she Netflix shows "The Break" by insulting members of the Trump administration and concentrating her biting humor on the first girl Ivanka Trump.

Although Wolf disagreed with Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Mo.) That people should publicly confront government members They suggested that protesters step up their game.

She mentioned an incident last month in which comedian Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a "fetish ct" on her TBS "Full Frontal" broadcast that triggered a wave of

"You can not harass these people by chance; you have to insult them specifically, "Wolf joked. "And do not hurt them – that's on their vision board." She gave examples of powerful ways to insult Trump administration members, but her main target was Ivanka, to whom she returned several times with harder and harder planes

"If you see Ivanka in the street, first, call her Tiffany," said Wolf. "That will devastate her. So talk to her in terms that she will understand. Say, Ivanka, you're like a vaginal mesh. You were supposed to support women, but now you have blood everywhere and you are at the center of a thousand trials. "

Wolf insulted the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, and the administrator of the Senate. EPA, Scott Pruitt, but continued to stop with new searches at Ivanka Trump

– one for Ivanka, "said Wolf after referring to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas." & # 39 Ivanka, you're like this birth control pill Yaz. At first, it seemed like it would be really cool and helpful, but you must be reminded immediately.

Although Wolf targeted other well-known Republican leaders, she continued to return to Ivanka.

If you happen to cross Ivanka in the street, Wolf suggests how to approach him:

"Say, Hey girl, do you have sore legs? Because you have has been in conflict with the government's ethic all year. "And that will please you more than it will hurt her, so keep going with something like" Your nickname for herpes? "Because you're n & # 39; You are not necessarily the most dangerous person in the administration, but you are very uncomfortable, totally incurable, and you always show up when we are about to receive an email. "

Wolf could not leave the end of the segment without a last shot for Ivanka.

"This has been Mind Your Manners," said Wolf. "Remember, speech is the path to change, and Ivanka is the prettiest tumor in a fast-moving cancer. "

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Read the original story Michelle W olf: Ivanka Trump is like herpes until when we are about to get F-ed (video) at TheWrap

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