America chooses its favorite house guests "Big Brother" and an egomaniac begins to crack


There was no contest on Sunday evening "Big Brother", so we took the time to get to know the Houseguests and let them know exactly what we pensions from them. 19659002] One of the twists and turns of this season is the "BB App Store". Every week, America will answer questions about the different House House, and according to who they speak the most, "Big Brother" will determine who is the most trendy and who has the least tendency. Honestly, the most trendy selection of the week seemed pretty obvious, but the least was definitely a crappy shot.

Elsewhere, we begin to wonder if the biggest ego of the season could be heading for a real confrontation. . Perhaps both, if their answer to not selected "most trends" is an indication. Honestly, it was uncomfortable to watch. Egos can be so fragile. If it cracks, and it seems inevitable, what will we find below?

We are going to run this season as if you were running a department store. Each product, or celebrity, can have equal value, but soon enough you start to see that some do not work. First, you try to refresh them to see if they can change things and become solid performers again. But if it does not work, it's time to put them in liquidation so you can sell them (the door). That being said, let's take a look at our inventory, ranked from our best performers to our weakest … after highlighting some gorgeous items in stock.

VIEWPOINT: Egomaniac or Fragile Flower

Swaggy C is one of the most confident people to ever play the game, but there is a fine line between trust and narcissistic ass. For starters, Swaggy C refers to himself by that nickname in the third person, which is pretty much Douchebag 101. In addition to that, he gave himself the nickname. Repeat it, he himself nickname.

This is not cool at any level, and it really made us wonder if it was just a little delusional or something more. Then, the "BB App Store" has arrived. "Listen, Swaggy C is still a trend, like, always," he said confidently. "It's one thing you do not have to worry about: this Power app is as good as mine, and once I'll have it, I'll run the house behind the scenes even more that I already am. "

So that did not happen, and Swaggy really did look shaken. "How it can not be me, I'm Swaggy C," he asked. "I do not know what the United States thought, but they clearly messed up, they're clearly against me, but it's cool."

The cameras lingered on him for a moment just sitting there and looking away. Was it insecurity that he hides under a lot of bluster and a ridiculous nickname? Is everything a protective measure to hide how bad he feels? Players stronger than Swaggy were shattered by the constant paranoia, gameplay and loneliness of "Big Brother" House

EVIDENCE: Launched Showmances

Try as she might, Bayleigh can not stay out of the orbit of Swaggy C, and it will probably destroy both their games. This could also break down the wall of arrogance that Swaggy has erected around him.

Our favorite part was when they each separately told people in the house that they had absolutely no interest in one for the other. Swaggy said that he was going to distance himself from her as he did not need a demonstration to disrupt his game. Bayleigh said, "If Swag had a crush on me, I would be really off. "

Cut to them later in the same bed and she says, "I will not admit that I like you." Then the production gave us very strong and very false kissing noises, so we were sure and we knew what was going on. Thank you, "Big Brother."

SEARCH: BB App Store

So if Swaggy was not the top or bottom trio of America, who was? It's no surprise at all that Sam has won the honors because there is very little to do in those early days. Her adorable Southern accent and her apparent sweetness immediately won America, but if she wants to keep them, she may want to better hide her nasty side.

Broken by having to play half like a robot, Sam whipped at one point, Kaitlyn, when Kaityn was just trying to be helpful. She then essentially tore the entire house before JC inflicted verbal spanking, which earned her the respect of being real.

Sam got the "Bonus Life" power, which allows him to return herself or any other Houseguest expelled. the game in the first four weeks. He came at the right time, too, as she is on the block and simply insulted the entire house.

On the other hand, it was Faysal who was the least trendy, but he could have been so many people. About half of the house displays virtually no personality or no gameplay. Honestly, the only thing we know about him so far is that he thinks that Angela is gorgeous and that he is a Muslim.

And then CBS piled up when the punishment that he chose gave him regular deliveries of ham, even though as a Muslim he did not eat ham

REGULAR PRICE [19659005] Tyler (pair) He remains seated as a family head, and with a better understanding of what is going on in the game than most people attribute to him. This week, he even played on people's emotions by claiming to be more upset about his own appointments than he was

Angela (up to 1) , Brett (up to 1), Rachel (up to 1) and Winston (even) maintain their rank by being in a alliance with Tyler, this week nicknamed "Level Six".

Kaycee (down 1) is also part of the "Level Six", but we finally got to see how his Pinwheel of Doom punishment is crippling his social game. By keeping her in a room until she stops spinning, she misses key events and conversations. Fortunately, she has a team on her side

JC (same) just needs to keep doing what he does. His social game is about, and he even gained a lot of "street credibility" in the house for calling Sam on his slut. If he can prove that he is as competitive as socially and mentally, JC could be a serious contender. begin to be accused of floating by some of the alpha "bros" in the house before too long. Accessories to get into a secret power duo, but not so good that you did with the likely target of the house at that time.


Haleigh (high 2), Kaitlyn (up 2) and Rockstar (up 2) increased a little in the rankings, despite being in an alliance with Faysal and Swaggy that they clumsily dubbed DARK (Five of us until the end), simply because no one knows l & # 39; alliance. Swaggy paints a bigger and bigger target on their backs, so their risk factor is high, but it's still early.

Sam (up to 2) had a second chance for life with the "Bonus Life" Power App. It guarantees its safety once for the first four weeks, which is huge. This allows him to do some damage control in the house. She did not stick well with them, then she turned around and insulted them all. She was not the target, but after her explosions, she might need to use that power sooner rather than later.

Faysal (bottom 3) is part of this alliance, but he was also the "favorite." And when he begins to receive ham – or, hopefully, ham – deliveries, the house will know it, which could diminish their interest in working with him.

Swaggy C (even) is lucky, he is safe this week.It is clearly the largest target in the house for level six, so next week he will have to win some victories, or hope that someone in his alliance does it and that he still has his back.

LIQUIDATION [19659005] Bayleigh (Bottom 6) was a little too open with Tyler about his proximity to Swaggy, and since Level Six can not target his burgeoning show, it stands as the best option. Sometimes it's nothing you did but rather who you lined up with.

Steve (even) really needs to hope that some kind of lot. Level six is ​​so excited right now that his only hope is an opportunity to make the back door a bigger target. He is right here because he is the strange man up here in the house.

The first live eviction of "Big Brother" arrives Thursday. New episodes air Wednesday at 8 pm ET, Thursdays at 9 pm ET and Sunday at 8 pm ET on CBS.

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