When you stop drinking these are the 7 things that happen


  What happens when you stop drinking alcohol

You will lose weight

Extra calories in this cheeky glass of red after work add up very quickly. When you reduce or cut out alcohol, your overall caloric intake will decrease, as long as you do not replace alcohol with another high calorie substitute. Drinking only two cans of beer each day means going down an additional 8100 kilojoules each week. It's the equivalent of eating a whole day of extra food!

Your guts will love you

Alcohol has a big impact not only on the outside of your body, but also on the inside. Too much indulging in alcohol can lead to many unseen problems, from hypertension, to cardiovascular disease and liver disease. Reducing or eliminating alcohol gives your body time to heal and, over time, your risk of alcohol-related illness will drop dramatically.

Your sanity is going to improve

It's not surprising that with every "up" there is a "down." The alcohol may seem to be a mood lift while you dance and have a good time with your friends, but it's actually a Depressant that can have serious negative effects on your overall mental well-being Low moods can be exacerbated and low energy levels can worsen situations Taking a little time off allows your brain to stabilize and you will be able to think with more clarity, treating mental health problems in a more positive way.

Your skin will start to thank you

Ap After a few days without alcohol, you will begin to notice that your skin is more hydrated. As a diuretic, alcohol dehydrates body tissues and skin, which can lead to wrinkles and premature aging. If you suffer from skin conditions such as dandruff, eczema or rosacea, you may notice a difference.

  What happens when you stop drinking alcohol?

You will spend a better night's sleep

Drinking alcohol before going to bed is bound to slower sleep habits called delta activity. This is the kind of deep sleep that allows learning and memory training. At the same time, drinking before going to bed increases the alpha waves in the brain – a kind of brain activity that usually occurs when you rest but you are still awake. The result of what happens is disrupted by sleep and that's usually why we turn around after a big night out. Abandoning alcohol will probably give you more freshness and acuity the next day.

You'll have more energy

A less than restful sleep can mean waking up groggy and finding it more difficult to focus throughout the day. When you stop drinking, you may find that your energy level increases, you will be able to go to the gym and you will feel more honed at work.

  Dry July


You Are Going A Big Step Towards Reducing Your Cancer Risk

Drinking Alcohol Boosts Your risk of at least six different cancers, including the intestines, liver, mouth and throat. This increased risk is seen with all types of alcohol, even red wine. Stop drinking alcohol or reduce your alcohol intake will greatly reduce the risk of cancer.

I encourage everyone to think of doing Dry July to try to make good changes in your life. contribute to a good cause, and there will always be another opportunity to drink. Head to www.dryjuly.com/register to get involved.

How to survive Dry July – by CEO Brett Macdonald


Gather your friends and form a team – if you feel lonely or isolated, you will find the month a lot harder (and more tempting alcohol!)

It's important to have a support network around you to talk about "

Health Benefits

Keep Reminding yourself of the Extraordinary Health Benefits of Alcohol on Your Body

Once You Have Passed the First Two weeks you will realize that you sleep better, that you will have more energy, that you will lose weight and that you will save a lot of money!

Remember the cause

The month of July raises funds for people with cancer. the funds raised during this year's campaign will go towards WiFi in hospital rooms, scalp cooling devices, wigs, patient transportation and a whole host of other comfort items

Battle Right now, it's time to put things in perspective and encourage you to go through the month.

Plan your social calendar

Plan your trip in July, so you have a lot to hope for and you make sure You are busy during times when you would otherwise be drinking.

There are plenty of non-alcoholic activities like breakfast, coffee, and picnics that you can add to your list

] Finally, it's important to recognize your efforts throughout the month of july with rewards for your hard work

The money you save on alcohol can go towards a small gift you have under the eyes, a week-end end

You can plan them throughout the month so that you have something to expect halfway through, and then at the end – or as often as necessary to stay motivated!

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