FBI details suspected 4 July terrorist plot for downtown Cleveland


CLEVELAND, Ohio – A Maple Heights man plotted to bomb a July 4th fireworks party in downtown Cleveland with the goal of "hitting values ​​at the very heart of our nation". Demetrius N. Pitts, 48, expressed the desire to join Al Qada and kill US citizens – including military and their families – while he told the secret agent his plot to attack Voinovich Park on 4 July. The fireworks are set off every year, authorities said Monday during a press conference announcing the arrest of Pitt.

"Last week, this accused was walking through downtown Cleveland." North Carolina district attorney Justin Herdman said, "He's been looking for a place to park a full truck. explosives. "

Pitts is accused of attempting to provide material support to al-Qaida, a designated foreign terrorist organization, said authorities at a press conference in downtown. of Cleveland

The FBI's Joint Terrorism Working Group Arrested Pitts on Sunday Afternoon It Will Appear in Federal Court Monday, Herdman said

Pitts faces up to 20 years in federal prison "He is found guilty," said Herdman.

Pitts is an American citizen and native of Philadelphia, but he's radicalized .Also known as Abdur Raheem Rafeeq and Salah ad-Deem Osama Waleed, the authorities said

An affidavit filed in the so-called Pitt case expressed anti-US sentiment between 2015 and 2017. In 2018 it was presented to an undercover FBI According to the affidavit, the agent that he believed to be a "brother" of al-Qaeda

met with the undercover agent on June 22nd in Walton Hills. During the meeting, he told the undercover agent of his desire to carry out a terrorist attack during the July 4 celebration in downtown Cleveland, the authorities said.

"Who would hit them?" Pitts says to the undercover officer, according to the affidavit. "Blow up in it, blow up a bomb the parade on July 4th."

FBI Special Agent Stephen Anthony refused to say during the press conference if Pitts had access, or was able to, an explosive. But Pitts had the "desire and the intention" to lead the attack, says Anthony.

"The forces of order can not sit down and wait for Mr. Pitts to commit a violent attack," said Anthony about the investigation. "We do not have the luxury of hoping that an individual decides not to hurt someone or induce others to act, especially when his or her repeated intentions and repeated exactly. "

Pitts planned to conduct the attack at Voinovich Park, the affidavit said. He was also pleased that the location is near the US Coast Guard station and the Federal Building Anthony J. Celebrezze, says the affidavit.

Pitts told the undercover officer that he planned to travel to downtown Cleveland to perform reconnaissance. He also planned to take a guided tour of the Coast Guard station, according to the affidavit.

Authorities claim that a man from Maple Heights conspired to commit a terrorist attack on July 4 at these Cleveland locations.
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