Coffee drinkers are more likely to live longer. Decaf can go around, too: salt: NPR


The latest study to link coffee and longevity adds to a growing body of evidence that, far from being a vice, the beverage can protect health.

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Sutthiwat Srikhrueadam / EyeEm / Getty Images / EyeEm

The latest study linking coffee and longevity adds to a growing body of evidence that, far from being a vice, the beverage can protect health.

Sutthiwat Srikhrueadam / EyeEm / Getty Images / EyeEm

Coffee is far from a vice.

There is now a lot of evidence pointing to its health benefits, including a possible increase in longevity for those of us who take their coffee every day

. Monday at JAMA in Internal Medicine that had about half a million people in England, Scotland and Wales.

"We found that people who drank two to three cups a day had a lower risk of death of about 12 percent. "Erikka Loftfield", researcher at the National Cancer Institute. Participants ranged from 38 to 73 years old. The association has also held up in decaffeinated coffee drinkers

In the United States, similar results link higher coffee consumption to a lower risk of premature death among African-Americans, Japanese. -Americans, Latinos and white adults, men and women. A habit of daily coffee is also linked to a decreased risk of stroke and type 2 diabetes.

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