Robert Mueller may have reviewed the NRA tax returns: Report


The National Rifle Association (NRA) claims that she was never invited to reveal her tax returns to the team of investigators Robert Mueller, but the experts claim that the special advocate could take a look at the books of the organization. The story of Russia's participation in the NRA is at best debatable, but congressional investigators claim to have discovered that the Kremlin used the organization as a way to inject money. in the campaign of President Donald Trump in 2016.

Judicial Committee explained the connections in his report:

The Committee obtained a number of documents that suggest that the Kremlin used the National Rifle Association as a means of Access and help Mr. Trump and his campaign. Two individuals involved in this effort appear to be Russian nationals Alexander Torshin and Maria Butina. […] During the campaign, Mr. Torshin, Ms. Butina and their intermediaries repeatedly offered channels back to Russia and relayed President Putin's requests to meet with Mr. Trump. The Kremlin may have also used the NRA to secretly fund Mr. Trump's campaign. The extent of the use of the NRA by Russia as a way to connect with Trump's election campaign and potentially support it.

At the time of publishing its report, the commission stated that the NRA was refusing to cooperate in its investigation. When asked about Mueller's investigation, NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam told McClatchy that he had no dialogue with the FBI.

But experts told the spokesman that Mueller had no contact with the NRA. he can dip his fingers in the organization's taxes by other means. Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

The war chest of the NRA is padded with "black money", which is a stylish way to say that in his public tax returns, the organization does not must show where this money comes from. However, it is necessary to tell the IRS where the money comes from.

McClatchy reported that about $ 21 million of the more than $ 30 million that the NRA spent on Trump in 2016 came from "dark money" donors. used the NRA as a shell company to pump money into the Trump campaign, the IRS would have paper trail. And experts say that with his broad power, Mueller would only have to ask for these deposits.

The special advocate team has already made more than 20 indictments, and Mueller was waiting to conclude the investigation in the fall.

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