"The Bachelorette": Becca sends a guy home early after admitting that he's scared her up.


Virginia is for lovers – and for clumsy breaks.

After weeks of behavior in "elementary school" boys, Becca Kufrin seemed to reach breaking point in the episode of The Bachelorette . The 28-year-old publicist was not afraid to make the law, deciding that one guy in particular she did not want to "in my life, ever". Not surprisingly, this guy was Chris, but he was not the only troublemaker she was sending to pack.

Everything shattered after Becca's curiously cute look with Mr Maisel's lookalike, Jason. In honor of their stay in the historic city of Richmond, Virginia, the Bachelorette brought her guys to a presidential group date, where they met Abraham Lincoln and George Washington before participating in a debate titled "Becalection 2018 ". It is there that intelligence has ended.

Insults flew in front of a crowd that included Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and a group of good old Virginians, while Lincoln and Chris were one-on-one. "There's a nasty side to Lincoln that's very mean and aggressive … [Becca] would be disgusted," Chris said, before rehashing the previous fight, including blasphemy, when Lincoln called him big, what Chris said he used to be 300 pounds.

"I am very angry right now … I do not want to feel like I'm back to elementary school," Becca admitted, slamming the guys for airing their "dirty laundry" in front of the public. Things intensified during the cocktail party, while Lincoln told Becca that Chris scared the other guys, Connor, with his aggressive behavior. She decided to confront him.

Chris panicked, refusing assertions and coming out of the room to confront the guys when Garrett innocently tried to interrupt him, but Becca asked him "five minutes". Chris panicked, Connor panicked, Lincoln panicked, then Garrett panicked – and Wills told Becca that he was falling in love with her.

It was a moving night, and that Becca was struggling to overcome the next day head-to-head with Leo (who had the rose despite the chemistry of the pair – maybe she had it something to do with hundreds of fans waiting for them at a Morgan Evans concert?). As she was with Leo, Chris was seen logging – sign # 1 that things were going to fall.

Apparently, what Chris was writing was that he was falling in love with Becca, and he rushed to the hotel room to tell him. "I can see me marry at the end of this story," he said, BECAUSE WHITE JEAN WAS NOT ENOUGH. Becca was immediately suspect. "It's a big step since last week … What brought that?" she asked, as Chris told her to ignore their past drama. She could not.

"There have been many things I have heard, many that I have seen, many that I have felt and of which I have witnessed in recent days. That scares me, "she admitted, before offering to take it out, that he clumsily chose to fight with her. Chris left in a heated juggling session, and Becca would not have seemed happier to get him out of his hotel room.

The brunette beauty cut the cocktail before the next ceremony of the roses, and sent the posse photo, Connor and Lincoln, to the house. See yaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Next week, the group will be going to the Bahamas, because we are ready for some sun after these last few dark weeks. Forward and backward, and one step closer to Arie Luyendyk Jr.'s cameo! Talk about this and a lot of other things on Facebook at Group Date: ET & # 39; s Bachelor Nation Group.

The Bachelorette airs on Monday at 8 pm ET / PT on ABC.


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