Ron Paul Blames outrageously racist, anti-Semitic Tweet About Staffer


Former libertarian congressman and Texas presidential candidate Ron Paul described a racist cartoon published on his Twitter page as "foul" and blamed it on a staff member.

appeared to attack "politically correct" expectations to treat people with sensitivity. It depicted offensive images of a black man, a Latino, an Asian and a Jew hitting Uncle Sam from a single red punch. shouting: "Cultural Marxism!"

"Are you amazed at what has become American culture?" Said the tweet bearing Paul's name. "Well, that's not an accident. You've probably heard of "cultural Marxism", but do you know what that means? "

Senator Rand Paul's father (R-Ky.) Said that the offensive cartoon was a "mistake" and was "inadvertently" displayed by a member of his team. excused for that

The drawing included the signature of the cartoonist Ben Garrison, known for his cartoons supporting Donald Trump.But he tweeted Monday that "totally" was not his job, and "t rolls "had stuck his signature on an altered image.

A surrogate tweet on Paul's page included the same message of "cultural Marxism" but the racist cartoon was replaced by a bar through the words "politically correct". The original and alternative tweet is linked to a long Facebook explanation of Paul saying that "cultural Marxism" is a Marxist trick.

Most people who responded to Paul on Twitter did not buy the excuse "the staff did it".

Paul was accused of racism before. During his presidential campaigns, the media reported a newsletter published by Paul for many years, which included several racist and anti-gay attacks.

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