Schumer forced to call after the cancellation of the town hall due to aircraft problems: report


Sen. Chuck Schumer, DN.Y., on Monday, citing a problem with equipment that immobilized his small plane, was forced to cancel a Brooklyn city hall, which annoyed many people who waited until hours before arriving in a synagogue.

A person asked why he had cooled the rhetoric of Maxine Water's representative on the harassment of the officials of President Trump's administration in public. Another called on the senator to use his leadership position to unite the party and oppose any extreme choice of the Supreme Court to replace Anthony Kennedy

"Whipping the vote," chanted the members of the meeting, which means galvanize the party. Politico. "Whip the vote."

Liberal participants also said: "Do not call him."

Schumer, the Democratic Leader of the Senate, was reportedly urged by left Democrats and some moderates on how to effectively approach Trump's replacement in the future Kennedy

The Long-time Champion of the Left , appears to be facing a similar wave against his congressional colleague, Nancy Pelosi. The left of the party is emboldened and wants to make sure that its leaders know it.

"There are thousands and thousands of people in this city who want to support him, so he can win battles" Liat Olenick, 32, of a liberal group in Brooklyn, said politico. "But he does not talk to these people, and we want him to do that."

Another person at the meeting told the senator: "We are in a shootout, but we have a butter knife."

who said that he was stuck in Utica, reminded participants that "Brooklyn, New York is not the center of the country," according to a New York Times reporter who tweets about the event.

been clear on whom he expects Trump to name. In a column published in the New York Times on Monday, he called for a "bipartisan majority" that believes in maintaining the law on abortion.

Schumer said that if Democrats do not control the Senate – the Republicans have a 51-49 edge – most senators support abortion rights. In an unusually direct appeal to voters, he said that to block "an ideological candidate", people should "tell your senators" to oppose someone on Trump's list.

Hill reported that Schumer hopes to prevent the president from swinging the right court high for decades. But he has to work with Democrats in the states that Trump has worn, including Sen. Joe Manchin, DW.Va., Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, ​​DN.D., and Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind. Who All Voted for Trump

Trump should begin his search seriously this week at the White House and said the process could include interviews at his golf club before he makes a final decision after the holidays from the 4th of July. [19659005"WeShouldFightDonaldTrumpOfAllThings"saidSchumer

Associated Press contributed to this report

Edmund DeMarche is a news editor for Follow him on Twitter @EDeMarche .

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