Words of Freedom Ring at Park Strip


The 4th of July is the birthday of America – the anniversary of our independence as a nation in 1776. To celebrate, the Municipality of Anchorage and the Harvard Club co-sponsor a Traditional program of 4th of July, including the oath of allegiance, a reading of the Declaration of Independence and historical songs and music. Everyone is invited, rain or shine, to the main mast of the Delaney Park Strip at 10th Avenue and I Street from 1 pm. Wednesday, July 4th.

You will hear the ideals of our founding fathers, ideals which are the basis of our oath of allegiance to a nation "with freedom and justice for all". For 242 years, the communities of the country have taken the habit of reading the Declaration of Independence and again hearing the statement that shaped our nation:

"We hold these truths to be obvious that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. "

When Thomas Jefferson wrote this statement resounding, our country was little like the present nation. For most people, life in 1776 meant the hard work and uncertainties of farming or fishing. The cities were often so sick that they were partially deserted during the hot summer months. The vast lands in the west were unknown. The colonies were thirsty for the strength and the reinforcement of the new immigration

From these humble circumstances arise the great democratic principles of human equality and human rights expressed in the Declaration of Human Rights. Independence

. the men who gathered to sign the Declaration. In doing so, they declared war on the strongest nation in the world. If England had won the Revolutionary War, the signatories of the declaration would have been hanged for treason. In a world ruled by kings and emperors, our founding fathers proposed government by and for the people – a system radically different from the rest of the world.

They were inspired by the awareness that they created a better life for their successors. In describing the debate that preceded the vote to sign the Declaration of Independence, John Adams wrote to a friend:

"The measures in which the lives and freedom of millions of unborn and unborn are the More interested are now before us.We are in the midst of a revolution, the most complete, the most unexpected and the most remarkable in the history of the world. "

As we now know, bravery and the foresight of our founding fathers has been amply rewarded. America has gained its independence and, over time, the democratic government has released the human energy and creativity that have transformed our country from a scattered group of settlements along the East Coast in a powerful nation extending from the sea to the sea.

as always, adhering to our oath of allegiance to a nation "with freedom and justice for all" required struggle and vigilance against the forces of human nature that can easily overwhelm these ideals

Toward the end of the Revolutionary War, Alexander Hamilton decried the personal interest of his fellow politicians: "The investigation is constantly what will please , not what will benefit the people … In such a government, there can only be temporary expedient, inconstancy and madness. " Fortunately, America was blessed by leaders, including Hamilton, who combined the vision, determination, perseverance and compromise ability needed to build our sustainable government foundation, the US Constitution

. when President Abraham Lincoln led the struggle to maintain our unity as a nation and defeat the evil of slavery.

Today, our nation faces the insidious and insidious danger of division between the haves and the have-nots. "Overall, our national economic health is strong, but the richest 1% of households hold 40% of the national wealth.Housing costs and rents have increased, and people working at minimum wages They find that they can not afford to rent an apartment and feed their families, and these circumstances generate a shuddering resentment that can become contagious and dangerous: revolutions are born and nations fall because of such circumstances. As President Dwight D. Eisenhower has already said: "A people who values ​​its privileges above, it is to lose both."

Yet, even imperfectly, our nation was born in Over time because his people understood that the government is their responsibility and, knowing this, they strove to defend equality which is an essential component of a lasting freedom. come to the m At 1:00 pm on July 4th, and let the words of the Declaration of Independence resonate in your ears.

Janet McCabe and her family have lived in Anchorage since 1964. She is retired from the National Park Service and chairs Partners for Progress, Inc., a non-profit organization in the United States. Alaska working to support the justice that protects and heals.

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