NYC Study Supports Minimum Wage for Tower-Hail Drivers


The fight between apps and drivers continues to roll – and the drivers may have just taken over.

On Monday, the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission – a government agency in New York – issued a report advocating

The study, led by two economists, suggests that drivers should receive an increase $ 17.22 hour after expenses or an hourly wage of $ 15 with an allowance for paid leave. This represents an increase of 22.5% in net salary or $ 6,345 per year; 85% of the city's ride-hail drivers are now doing less than this proposed minimum.

Jim Conigliaro Jr., founder of the Independent Drivers Guild, which represents about 65,000 application-based drivers in New York, told Reuters that the study "confirms" what the pilots have said. "The pilots are struggling and it's time to act, and New York must demand that mining companies such as Uber and Lyft pay an acceptable salary," he said.

The increase is intended to help offset the costs that the driver incurs to own and drive his car into the city. If New York applied this minimum wage, it would become the first city in the country to do so. The Commission plans to put in place new rules for carpooling services. the report could be used to inform these rules, a draft of which should be published for public consultation in the coming months.

Uber and Lyft criticized the findings of the report.

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