Why they are fighting: the United States and China are fighting over high technology


To understand why the United States and China are on the brink of a trade war, consider the imminent death experience of American Superconductor Corp.

The company, known as AMSC and based in Massachusetts, was shaken partner stole its technology – the electronic brains that power the wind turbines. The loss was devastating: the action of AMSC lost $ 1 billion and the company lost 700 jobs, more than half of its workforce

"Attempted". corporate homicide ", as called CEO Daniel McGahn. In January, his Chinese partner, Sinovel Wind Group, was convicted by a US court for stealing AMSC's trade secrets

. For the Trump administration, Sinovel's predatory practices are barely isolated. Beijing, it is accused, is orchestrating a campaign of struggles to supplant the American technological domination and, over the coming decades, will make Chinese companies world leaders in areas such as robotics and electric vehicles.

Trade Representative, Beijing tactics include the restraint of US companies to hand over trade secrets in exchange for access to the Chinese market; force US companies to allow technology in China under adverse conditions; use public funds to buy American technology; and sometimes outright theft.

Detractors have long claimed that China runs against intellectual property rights. But President Donald Trump, a candidate for the reform of China's trade policy, is the first US leader to risk a trade war between the two largest economies in the world. commercial warfare for a long time, but we did not participate, "said Richard Ellings, president of the National Bureau of Asian Research." We woke up … It's a fundamental change, it's a moment

Critics say, however, that while Trump chose the right fight, he chose the wrong weapon, predicting that China will challenge a series of US tariffs that will come into effect on Friday and immediately retaliate. they warn that the escalation of the trade war will slow world growth and endanger the second-longest economic expansion in US history.

Many analysts say that the United States should to have key allies like Japan and the European Union.China's trade policies – to impose unified pressure on Beijing.Now, the United States engage in disputes like with their friends on steel, aluminum and automobile imported.

"There is no way to significantly influence Chinese IP behavior without co-ordination." Daniel Rosen of the Rhodium Group's economic research firm

Unless otherwise stated. a last-minute breakthrough, the Trump administration will impose $ 34 billion rights this week on Chinese products that have benefited from China's strong development policies.] Once Beijing reacts with retaliatory tariffs As he said, the fighting could escalate. "Trump said he was ready to hit taxes on Chinese imports up to $ 450 billion, or nearly 90 percent of the goods. shipped by China to the United States last year.

Peter Navarro, White House Trade Advisor States must protect their high-tech "crown jewels" against Chinese practices . Datrices

The stakes exceed the & # 39; economy. Many of today's advanced technologies – the ability to collect and analyze large amounts of data, for example – have military uses.

"Today, the acquisition of a Silicon Valley start-up or even a health care provider The Assistant Secretary to the US Treasury, Heath Tarbert, has declared in Congress in April

That is why the United States blocked in January the acquisition of money transfer service MoneyGram by the Chinese company Ant Financial. . Concerns have been raised that the deal would give China access to the financial records of millions of Americans, including the military.

The United States says the Chinese government is blurring the lines between public and private companies. In 2016, Trump vetoed the sale of a US semiconductor manufacturer to a Chinese investor as a threat to national security after Washington concluded that funding came from the Chinese government. 19659002] United States Officials see a threat in Beijing's long-term development plan, called Made in China 2025. The plan calls for the creation of powerful Chinese players in areas such as information technology, robotics, aerospace, electric vehicles and biopharmaceuticals. Foreign business groups claim that Made in China 2025 injects them unfairly into these industries.

Whatever the reasons, China has gained ground. Stephen Ezell, director of global innovation policy think tank on technology and innovation, said that China had increased its share of global production in 18 high-tech manufacturing industries by 8% in 2003 to 27% today. Tim Tangredi, CEO of Dais Analytic in Odessa, Florida, supports Trump's aggressive maneuvers, comparing the US tariff threat to America's "shock and terror" military campaign against Iraq. 2003.

About four years ago, Dais set up a Chinese company to help develop its nanotechnology business that helps produce clean water. But the partnership has imploded. Tangredi said that the Chinese company had persuaded a long-time employee of Dais to make mistakes in trade secrets

"They just stole it, and they use it against us ", he said. The trade war will force China to rethink its practices: "You must do something to get their attention."

Joe McDonald, editor of the PA in Beijing, helped to this report.

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