Tesla stopped doing a braking test on the 3s model: report


While Tesla ran to meet a self-imposed and monitored deadline for the production of its Model 3 electric sedan, the Palo Alto firm stopped submitting cars to a standard automotive brake test, according to a new report. ] Tesla said that every model 3 gets its brakes tested on a track before it is sent to a buyer.

It seems that Tesla CEO Elon Musk has ordered workers at the Fremont factory According to an industry expert, the braking and roll test is an essential part of the auto manufacturing process, which is taking place in its final stages.

"The test ensures that the wheels of the car are perfectly aligned and check the brakes and their function."

Ron Harbor, Automotive Industry Expert The Harbor Report "Global Manufacturing Guide, told Business Insider that dropping the brake and roll test could lead to" a lot of quality problems with your customers. "

" Every factory does that, "said Harbor." This is part of the car's finish. "

Harbor stated that he knew of no adequate replacement test, reported Business Insider

The company's website indicated that it was unclear how many models 3, if any, had left the factory without having undergone a brake test and

Tesla's fortunes are largely based on Model 3, which is expected to be sold for as little as $ 35,000, with Tesla imposing – and failing twice – delays in reaching a production volume of 5,000 cars a week, before reaching this mark at the end of June Dave Musk told Business Insider that every car was undergoing "rigorous quality checks," including braking tests, before 39, to be sold

. "To be extremely clear, we are driving * Model 3 on our test track to check for braking, torque, squealing and rattling, "Arnold said in a statement.

"There is no exception."


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