Hamas used fake dating apps to get sensitive information about Israelis


Hamas terrorists reportedly appear as young women in fake dating applications to try to lure Israeli soldiers and collect sensitive security information on their cell phones

"We know who is behind all of this, "said an Israeli army official

" No damage was done because we stopped it in time.There was, of course, a potential for serious harm to national security. "

The plot included two social networking apps – WinkChat and GlanceLove – as well as a football app for World Cup fans called GoldenCup, which provided in direct Applications were promoted via Facebook sharing and WhatsApp messages to men and women performing compulsory military service.

Once the fake apps were installed, they allowed Hamas to locate the positions of the soldiers. and contact lists, and use their cell phones as listening devices and video cameras.

The apps, which appeared on the Google Play Store, were downloaded by 100 soldiers, the Times of Israel reported. They have been deleted since.

The photos featured on the apps were real women – some of whom were lightly dressed and hugged – whose images and personal data had been stolen from their Facebook profile.

in Hebrew, were littered with running slang to make them seem authentic.

Hamas attempted a similar strategy early last year, according to the Israeli army.

The military also stated that a new awareness program on cyber security had been put in place.

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