Former campaign adviser and close associate of President Trump, Roger Stone, admitted to meeting a Russian man in May 2016, claiming he had "land" that could help Trump get elected. Maria Mercedes Galuppo from Veuer has more.

WASHINGTON – The Senate Intelligence Committee said Tuesday, he approved the assessment of US intelligence agencies that the Russian government has tried to strengthen President Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential elections and weaken Hillary Clinton.

Richard Burr, RN.C. , D-Va., Had already announced in May that they were in agreement with the January 2017 report of the intelligence agencies. However, the Committee of the Whole has now approved and published the official and unclassified summary of its initial findings.

"The committee agrees with intelligence and open-source assessments that this campaign of influence has been approved by President Putin". "In addition, a set of reports … showed that Moscow was trying to denigrate Secretary Clinton."

The report released Tuesday is the second installment of the committee's findings in its ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections. A final report – which will attempt to answer the central question of whether the campaign of Donald Trump agreed with the Kremlin – should be published early in the fall. The question of collusion could test the bipartisan cooperation of the committee

To find out more: House adopts a resolution demanding that the Ministry of Justice hand over more documents to Russia [19659008] Related: Giuliani: Trump will not forgive the targets of Russia during the investigation

The Senate panel conclusion on the motivations for the interference of Russia contrasts with the findings of the House Intelligence Committee. Republicans of the House committee said in March that US intelligence agencies had failed to prove that Russian President Vladimir Putin had been trying to help Clinton convince Trump to resign

. witnesses were interviewed and crucial documents were obtained. Democrats said the group's Republicans, led by President Devin Nunes, R-Calif., Are trying to protect Trump.

In his 2017 report, US intelligence agencies wrote that Putin "ordered an election campaign in 2016 presidential election." According to the report, Moscow had a "clear preference" for Trump and sought to undermine Clinton while undermining the American democratic process.

The Senate committee, in its conclusions published Tuesday, was in agreement

. improve the security of the elections. The committee is also expected to issue conclusions on how Russia has manipulated social media to influence US voters and whether the Trump campaign has collaborated with the Kremlin to win the election.

Robert Mueller conducts a separate criminal investigation into Russian interference, possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin and the possible obstruction of justice by Trump.


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