Report: Women's nails fell because of a fish pedicure


(WCMH) – A study released Tuesday reveals that a woman's nails fell because she had a fish pedicure several months ago.

Fish pedicure involves putting your feet in a bathtub filled with tiny fish called "garra rufa". The fish eats the dead human skin just from your feet.

But the study, published in the journal JAMA Dermatology, states that a woman who began to notice something wrong with the nails several weeks after the treatment. Six months later, his nails fell.

"I think it's probably more common than we think," said author of the report, Dr. Shari R. Lipner. "We do not see excretion [nail] until months after the event, so I think it's difficult for patients and doctors – especially if they do not even know that fish pedicures can do it – to make that connection. "

The image below appears in his case report.

(Photo by CNN / Dr. Shari R. Lipner / Medicine Weill Cornell)

The author of the report says that the woman had no other medical history that could be related to her condition. Dr. Lipner believes that women's problems stem from the physical impact of biting fish at the fingernail.

However, another expert does not agree that the woman's nails could have fallen due to overlapping toes in her shoes. not at all convinced that the fish caused the problem, "Dr. Antonella Tosti, Professor Fredric Brandt endured dermatology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine." This is not uncommon in women with a Greek foot … who wears high heels and pointed shoes. "

Experts have said in the past that fish pedicures can carry a risk of infection.This is because in some spas, fish are recycled from one person to another, and the tanks may not be properly cleaned between uses, reports CNN.

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