Wimbledon 2018 – Caroline Wozniacki roller coaster takes another strange ride


WIMBLEDON – Caroline Wozniacki is sitting on the podium of a press room an hour after her shocking second round defeat to Russian Ekaterina Makarova on Wednesday, her blonde hair tangled on her face. She came to the press early, a rare occurrence for any player, and she's not ready to be here. Not that way, anyway. Do not answer these questions. She is still trying to understand how all this has happened.

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"I did everything I could, I fought as hard as I could, I can not even be mad at myself because that I reached the level that I could "" Wozniacki double-crossing behavior his words. "I think [Makarova] played above his level and really raised it and had a Little luck … It's frustrating because I feel that I could have done something really good here. "

Wozniacki, fifth She did not need to dig too much far in the annals of his mind to draw a match almost identical to the one that she played Wednesday, but the one with a very s different – a match that she did indeed "

At the second round of the Australian Open last January, Wozniacki sank 5-1, then 40-15. in the third, to get rid of match points against Jana Fett. She felt her opponent tighten and then attacked, eventually winning the match to stay alive 5-2. She then won the next five games, the third series 7-5 and, 10 days later, her first Grand Slam title. If she needed inspiration in the third set against Makarova, Melbourne's memory was she did not see it like that.

Caroline Wozniacki said after the defeat of Ekaterina Makarova that she could have achieved "something really great" at Wimbledon this year. Rob Newell – CameraSport via Getty Images

"I do not understand what one has to do with the other, I lost it today, this is not obviously not what I wanted to do that day, "said Wozniacki. "I played at someone who gave everything to every shot, I fought everything I had, I just missed a little bit today .. .. I played someone who played very well, I do not know if she could keep I would be very surprised if you saw her go far. "

This Carolina, who looks down while She tries to publicly reconcile how another Wimbledon has been cheated, stands out. contrast with the polite player from an hour ago. This woman fought back from a set, then 5-1 and later from 5-4 and love-40 in the third to keep the serve and stay in the game. No matter how closely the cameras of the Court focused on his eyes, Wozniacki never betrayed doubt. The steel look in her eyes said that she believed. The crowd believed. When Makarova took her place during the change to 5-5, she smiled. It is likely that she believed that she had opened the door too wide for the world No. 2 player.

"When it was five o'clock, I started thinking about these match points and my service," said Makarova the match. "I was really nervous and I thought I had to be more aggressive, I thought, forget it and start over, I'm glad I'm calm."

This could serve as a wise tip for the player on the other side of the net, the Dane for whom calm consistency has never come. Since she's played her first Grand Slam finals at the US Open in 2009 – the same year that she reached the top of her career – Wozniacki, 27 Knew only two other finals of the Slam, at the US Open 2014 She lost against Serena Williams, and at the Australian in January, where she regained the # 1 ranking for the first time in six years.