Hot, Young Stars form "Celestial Fires": NPR


If you squint, the picture above looks pretty much like what you might see during a fire on July 4th.

But in fact, dare to say, it's a lot cooler. Warmer: The image captured by the Hubble Space Telescope is a group of "huge and hot" stars called NGC 3603, about 20,000 light-years away from the constellation of Carina.

The glittering image was captured in 2009 on his website on the eve of Independence Day celebrations. Purple clouds swirling with gas and dust, he says, are the "raw material for the formation of new stars."

And as the space agency writes, what seems to be a peaceful scene is actually a bubbling nebula. live fast and die young. "In the center are some of the biggest known stars," quickly burning their hydrogen fuel and ending their life with supernova explosions ".

This type of cluster stars can help scientists better understand the formation of stars.

We will leave you another image of "Heavenly Fireworks." Happy July 4th!

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